Population development of Mannheim

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This article gives the development of the population of Mannheim in tabular and graphical form.

Population development

Population development of Mannheim.svgPopulation development of Mannheim - from 1871
Population development of Mannheim. Above from 1450 to 2017. Below an excerpt from 1871

In the Middle Ages and early modern times , only a few hundred people lived in Mannheim. Starting with the city's foundation in 1607 and the construction of the Friedrichsburg Fortress , Mannheim experienced several cyclical growth processes. The Thirty Years' War destroyed the early growth between 1607 and 1618 from around 800 to 1,200 inhabitants . A targeted recruitment policy for mainly Calvinist migrants gave the city a new growth phase in the second half of the 17th century with up to 6,000–7,000 inhabitants (around 1680), which was abruptly interrupted in 1688/89 by the Palatinate-Orléans War of Succession and in total Depopulation of Mannheim resulted. The resettlement of the city under Elector Johann Wilhelm from 1698 onwards revitalized the city, so that by 1719 the population level before the war could be reached again. Another boost began with the relocation of the Electoral Palatinate residence to Mannheim in 1720, during which the population rapidly increased in a short period of time and reached a new high of around 26,000 around 1770. The relocation of the residence to Munich in 1778 caused a further decline, which was exacerbated by the territorial reallocation of Mannheim in 1803. Until the middle of the 19th century, the population stagnated at between 19,000 and 22,000 inhabitants.

Only with the beginning of industrialization in the 19th century did population growth accelerate. In 1897 the population of the city exceeded the limit of 100,000, making it a major city .

By 1930 the population grew to 272,000. The strong increase in population between 1895 and 1930 was not only due to the surplus of births and migration gains, but also due to several incorporations of surrounding places. Among them was Neckarau, incorporated in 1899 (1895 = 7,619 inhabitants), the largest village in Baden at the time. At the census on May 17, 1939, there were already 284,957 people in Mannheim.

During the Second World War , Mannheim was almost completely destroyed due to the constant air raids on the industrial and railway tracks and residential areas. On March 17, 1945 Dwight D. Eisenhower declared the city of Mannheim to be a combat zone, although at that time there was still fighting on the Palatinate side. Most of the population then left the city in the direction of the Odenwald, so that at that point in time less than 100,000 people were probably living in Mannheim. On March 29, 1945, US troops occupied the city center.

In 1970 it reached its historic high of 332,378. On December 31, 2011, the “ official population ” for Mannheim was 314,931 according to an update by the Baden-Württemberg statistical office (only main residences and after comparison with the other regional offices ).

The following overview shows the number of inhabitants according to the respective territorial status. Up to 1802 these are mostly estimates, then census results (¹) or official updates from the city administration (until 1960) and the State Statistical Office (from 1961). From 1837 the information relates to the “customs clearance population”, from 1871 to the “local population”, from 1925 to the resident population and since 1987 to the “population at the place of the main residence”. Before 1837 the number of inhabitants was determined according to inconsistent survey methods. The US soldiers and their relatives who lived from the end of World War II to the dissolution of the US garrison in Mannheim were not recorded in the official statistics .

From 1450 to 1870

(respective territorial status )

year Residents
1450 570
1572 800
1618 1,200
1663 3,000
1688 6,000-7,000
1719 5,300
1721 8,600
1729 15,760
1743 20,000
1766 24,190
1774 25.093
1777 25,353
Year / date Residents
1783 23,000
1784 21,850
1786 22,373
1797 21,000
1802 18,818
November 1, 1811 ¹ 20,108
November 1, 1818 ¹ 17,341
November 1, 1821 ¹ 19,255
November 1, 1822 ¹ 19,753
November 1, 1830¹ 20,584
November 1, 1833 ¹ 20,657
December 3, 1834 ¹ 20,967
Year / date Residents
December 3, 1837 ¹ 22,314
December 3, 1840¹ 22,838
December 3, 1843 ¹ 23,488
December 3, 1846 ¹ 23,784
December 3, 1849 ¹ 22,057
December 3, 1852 ¹ 24,316
December 3, 1855 ¹ 25,688
December 3, 1858 ¹ 26,915
December 3, 1861 ¹ 27,172
December 3, 1864¹ 30,555
December 3, 1867 ¹ 34,017

¹ census result

From 1871 to 1944

(respective territorial status)

date Residents
December 1, 1871 ¹ 39,606
December 1, 1875 ¹ 46,456
December 1, 1880¹ 53,465
December 1, 1885 ¹ 61.273
December 1, 1890¹ 79.058
December 31, 1894 88,840
December 2, 1895 ¹ 97.780
December 31, 1896 94.160
December 31, 1897 103.830
December 31, 1898 107.170
December 31, 1899 131,870
December 1, 1900 ¹ 141.131
December 31, 1901 146,500
December 31, 1902 145.181
December 31, 1903 150,425
December 31, 1904 157.265
December 1, 1905 ¹ 163,693
December 31, 1906 168,753
December 31, 1907 173.424
date Residents
December 31, 1908 178,095
December 31, 1909 189,366
December 1, 1910¹ 193.902
December 31, 1911 200,285
December 31, 1912 217,700
December 31, 1913 223,967
December 1, 1916 ¹ 213,885
December 5, 1917 ¹ 213,347
October 8, 1919 ¹ 229,576
December 31, 1919 228.184
December 31, 1920 234,632
December 31, 1921 239.042
December 31, 1922 245.232
December 31, 1923 247.783
December 31, 1924 249,000
June 16, 1925 ¹ 247.486
December 31, 1925 247.914
December 31, 1926 250.230
December 31, 1927 252.720
date Residents
December 31, 1928 254,600
December 31, 1929 259.215
December 31, 1930 271.833
December 31, 1931 272.097
December 31, 1932 272.430
June 16, 1933 ¹ 275.162
December 31, 1933 275.995
December 31, 1934 277.070
December 31, 1935 276.912
December 31, 1936 278.060
December 31, 1937 279,345
December 31, 1938 284,700
May 17, 1939 ¹ 284,957
December 31, 1939 280.365
December 31, 1940 268,857
December 31, 1941 244,543
December 31, 1942 238.232
December 31, 1943 169.397
December 31, 1944 166.086

¹ census result

Source: City of Mannheim

From 1945 to 1989

(respective territorial status)

date Residents
April 30, 1945 106.310
December 31, 1945 186.310
October 29, 1946 ¹ 211,564
September 13, 1950 ¹ 245,634
December 31, 1951 256.935
December 31, 1952 264.117
December 31, 1953 273.456
September 25, 1956 ¹ 287.210
June 6, 1961 ¹ 313,890
December 31, 1961 316.007
December 31, 1962 318,919
December 31, 1963 321.075
December 31, 1964 323,444
December 31, 1965 328.156
date Residents
December 31, 1966 329,301
December 31, 1967 323,744
December 31, 1968 326.302
December 31, 1969 330.920
May 27, 1970 ¹ 332.163
December 31, 1970 332,378
December 31, 1971 330,635
December 31, 1972 328.411
December 31, 1973 325,386
December 31, 1974 320.508
December 31, 1975 314.086
December 31, 1976 309.059
December 31, 1977 305.741
December 31, 1978 302.794
date Residents
December 31, 1979 303.247
December 31, 1980 304,303
December 31, 1981 304.219
December 31, 1982 302.621
December 31, 1983 298.042
December 31, 1984 295.178
December 31, 1985 294.984
December 31, 1986 294,648
May 25, 1987 ¹ 295.191
December 31, 1987 297.197
December 31, 1988 300,468
December 31, 1989 305.974

¹ census result

Sources: City of Mannheim (until 1970), Baden-Württemberg State Statistical Office (from 1971)

Since 1990

(respective territorial status)

date Residents
December 31, 1990 310.411
December 31, 1991 314,685
December 31, 1992 318,446
December 31, 1993 318.025
December 31, 1994 316.223
December 31, 1995 311.292
December 31, 1996 312.216
December 31, 1997 310,475
December 31, 1998 308.903
December 31, 1999 307.730
date Residents
December 31, 2000 306.729
December 31, 2001 308,385
December 31, 2002 308,759
December 31, 2003 308.353
December 31, 2004 307,499
December 31, 2005 307,900
December 31, 2006 307.914
December 31, 2007 309.795
December 31, 2008 311,342
December 31, 2009 311,969
date Residents
December 31, 2010 313.174
December 31, 2011 314.931
December 31, 2012 294,627 1
December 31 2013 296,690
December 31, 2015 305.780
December 31, 2016 304.781
December 31, 2017 307.997
1Decrease due to the 2011 census .

Source: Baden-Württemberg State Statistical Office (The figures from the Mannheim municipal statistical office are in the order of 10,000 people less)

Population forecast

The three adjacent forecasts compared to the real development since 1990

In its Guide to Demographic Change 2020 published in 2006 , in which the Bertelsmann Foundation provides data on the development of the population of 2,959 municipalities in Germany, a 1.0 percent decline in Mannheim's population (3,219 people) is predicted between 2003 and 2020.

Absolute population development 2012–2030 - forecast for Mannheim (main residences):

The 2011 follow-up study predicted a population increase by 2025, then a decrease. The different prognosis also coincides with that of other cities, since a stronger reurbanization tendency is assumed throughout Germany . However, according to ZENSUS 2011, the population “lost” (./. 7.5 percent), who contradict the forecast, must be taken into account.

Forecast 2006
date Residents
December 31, 2003 308.353
December 31, 2005 308,538
December 31, 2010 309.190
December 31, 2015 308,452
December 31, 2020 305.134

Source: Bertelsmann Foundation

2011 forecast
date Residents
December 31, 2009 311,690
December 31, 2015 317,840
December 31, 2020 320,450
December 31, 2025 321,000
December 31, 2030 319,580

Source: Bertelsmann Foundation

2015 forecast
date Residents
December 31, 2012 294.280
December 31, 2020 306.220
December 31, 2025 307.880
December 31, 2030 307,540

Source: Bertelsmann Foundation

Population structure

The largest groups of foreigners legally registered in Mannheim on December 31, 2015 came from Turkey (17,083), Italy (8,191), Poland (7,210), Bulgaria (4,956), Romania (4,071), Croatia (3,463), Greece (3,112 ), Syria (1,762), Spain (1,656) and Afghanistan (1,372). The official statistics do not include naturalized persons and German-born children of foreign origin as foreigners.

population As of December 31, 2011
Residents with main residence 314.931
of which male 156,890
Female 158.041
German 239,437
of which male 116,892
Female 122,545
Foreigners 75,494
of which male 39,998
Female 35,496
Proportion of foreigners in percent 24.0

Source: Baden-Württemberg State Statistical Office

age structure

The following overview shows the development of the total population and the individual age groups from 1990 to 2011. All data are from December 31 of each year.

year Total population Age: 0-14 Age: 15 to 64 Age: from 65
1990 310.411 40,487 220.724 49,200
1991 314,685 41,531 223,585 49,569
1992 318,446 42,885 225.605 49,956
1993 318.025 43,402 224.227 50,396
1994 316.223 43,265 222.271 50,687
1995 311.292 42,892 217.720 50,680
1996 312.216 43,127 218.201 50,888
1997 310,475 42,811 216,670 50,994
1998 308.903 42,407 215,593 50.903
1999 307.730 42,520 213.832 51,378
2000 306.729 42,333 212,326 52,070
2001 308,385 42,432 212,948 53.005
2002 308,759 42,084 212,868 53,807
2003 308.353 41,595 211,987 54,771
2004 307,499 41,156 210.393 55,950
2005 307,900 40,623 209.819 57,458
2006 307.914 39,956 209.298 58,660
2007 309.795 39,738 210,844 59,213
2008 311,342 39,388 212.358 59,596
2009 311,969 39,087 212.911 59,971
2010 313.174 38,807 214,747 59,620
2011 314.931 38,376 216,570 59,985

Source: Baden-Württemberg State Statistical Office


Sandhofen Schönau Gartenstadt Waldhof Luzenberg Neckarstadt-West Innenstadt/Jungbusch Lindenhof Käfertal Vogelstang Wallstadt Feudenheim Seckenheim Hochstätt Friedrichsfeld Rheinau Almenhof Neckarau Niederfeld Neckarstadt-Ost Neuostheim Neuhermsheim Oststadt (Mannheim) Schwetzingerstadt
City districts (clickable map)

The urban area of ​​Mannheim is divided into 17 city districts. These are subdivided into city districts or statistical districts. See the list of districts and districts of Mannheim . The population figures in the table below refer to December 31, 2008 (main and secondary residences).

Surname Area
in km²
of inhabitants
per km²

Number of foreigners
Feudenheim 6.17 15,188 2,462 942 6.2
Friedrichsfeld 2.25 5,843 2,597 797 13.6
City center / Jungbusch 10.26 33,950 3,309 12,860 37.9
Käfertal 10.75 24,732 2,301 3,531 14.3
Lindenhof 2.20 13,390 6,086 1,593 11.9
Neckarau 10.98 31,695 2,887 5,078 16.0
Neckarstadt-East 6.01 35.195 5,856 8,325 23.7
Neckarstadt-West 9.01 20,774 2,306 8,624 41.5
Neuostheim / Neuhermsheim 5.27 8,081 1,533 840 10.4
Rheinau 15.37 25,694 1,672 5,198 20.2
Sandhofen 26.85 13,160 490 1,879 14.3
Schönau 2.95 13,323 4,516 2,691 20.2
Schwetzingerstadt / Oststadt 4.41 25,413 5,763 4,569 18.0
Seckenheim 9.42 15,927 1,691 2,347 14.7
Bird rod 3.16 13,331 4,219 1,494 11.2
Waldhof 12.87 24.199 1,880 3,799 15.7
Wallstadt 7.03 7,827 1,113 443 5.7
Mannheim 144.96 327,722 2,261 65,010 19.8

Source: Statistics Office of the City of Mannheim

Natural population development

The following overview shows the development of births and deaths in the city of Mannheim in selected years since 1975.

year Born Died Balance sheet
1975 2,564 4,088 −1,524
1980 2,594 3,537 −943
1985 2,377 3,557 −1,180
1990 3.215 3,568 −353
1995 3,037 3,502 −465
2000 2,872 3,414 −542
2005 2,702 2,961 −259
2006 2,680 2,954 −274
2007 2,777 2,809 −32
2008 2,794 2,959 −165
2009 2,744 3,189 −445
2010 2,816 3,109 −293
2011 2,657 3,044 −387

Source: Baden-Württemberg State Statistical Office

See also


  • Grand-Ducal Ministry of Finance: Official contributions to the statistics of the state finances of the Grand Duchy of Baden. Verlag Chr. Fr. Müllersche Hofbuchhandlung, Karlsruhe 1851.
  • Imperial Statistical Office (Ed.): Statistical Yearbook for the German Empire , 1880–1918.
  • Statistisches Reichsamt (Ed.): Statistical yearbook for the German Reich , 1919–1941 / 42.
  • German Association of Cities (Ed.): Statistical Yearbook of German Communities , 1890 ff.
  • Federal Statistical Office (Ed.): Statistical Yearbook for the Federal Republic of Germany , 1952 ff.
  • Bertelsmann Stiftung (Ed.): Guide to Demographic Change 2020. Analyzes and action plans for cities and municipalities. Bertelsmann Stiftung Publishing House, Gütersloh 2006, ISBN 3-89204-875-4 .
  • Harald Stockert: “A constant coming and going”. 400 years of Mannheim city history - 400 years of migration , in: Badische Heimat 87 (2007) pp. 510–520.
  • Ulrich Niess / Michael Caroli (ed.): History of the city of Mannheim. Supplementary and register volume . Heidelberg 2011, ISBN 978-3-89735-642-9 , pp. 6-9.

Individual evidence

  1. Mannheim municipal statistics office: Population development 2001-2010 (PDF; 611 kB)
  2. Bertelsmann Foundation: Population projection
  3. ^ City of Mannheim: Residents with a migration background , accessed on October 30, 2016
  4. ^ City of Mannheim: City districts

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