El Croquis

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El Croquis

description Spanish architecture magazine
Frequency of publication bi-monthly
Web link elcroquis.es
ISSN (print)

El Croquis is a bimonthly Spanish architecture magazine. The magazine appears with Spanish and English articles, is distributed in Europe, America and Asia and is considered a very renowned publication in the field of architecture and urban development . In monographs , a period of time of the work is described in detail by internationally known architecture or urban planning offices. Serve plans, model photos, the design and development process of a work descriptive sketches and working models as well as photos of the building. In addition to the series of magazines, El Croquis publishes anthologies in book form on offices that have already been discussed in several individual monographs, as well as the Biblioteca de Arquitectura Series , which is only available in Spanish, with monographs of the written work of various architects of classical modernism .

Publications (selection)

El Croqis (magazine)

Biblioteca de Arquitectura Series (only in Spanish)

Web links