Eleonora Bergman

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Eleonora Bergman (born October 22, 1947 in Łódź ) is a Polish architectural historian. From 2007–2011 she was director of the Jewish Historical Institute (pol. Żydowski Instytut Historyczny ) in Warsaw.


Bergman was born into a Jewish family as the daughter of Stefan Bergman (1904-2000) and Aleksandra geb. Kuczkowska (1906–2005) born. Her sister Zofia Bergman-Zarębska (1934-2013) was a biologist and lecturer at the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences ( Polska Akademia Nauk, PAN ).

Eleonora Bergman graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology . After graduating, she worked at the Institute for Architectural Planning ( Instytut Urbanistyki Architektury ) and later in the Monument Preservation Workshop ( Pracownie Konserwacji Zabytków ). She worked with the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences and carried out measurements of architectural monuments in many regions of Poland . She is the author and co-author of numerous historical and urban planning studies on urban development plans , especially in Masovia ( Mazowsze ) and Silesia ( Śląsk ).

From the mid-1980s onwards, she worked on the monuments of Jewish culture and their history and documentation. 1997 Bergman acquired at the Institute of Art History at the University of Warsaw the doctorate of humanities in history for her dissertation Orient in the architecture of synagogues in the Polish territories in the 19th and early 20th centuries . Eleonora Bergman received a scholarship from the International Center for Studies for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property in Rome and twice from the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture in New York . Since 1991 she has been working at the Jewish Historical Institute . She is co-initiator of the project to erect the monuments to the Warsaw ghetto .

As of November 1, 2009, she has been a member of the Council for the Preservation of Remembrance of Struggle and Martyrdom ("Memorial Council"; Rada Ochrony Pamięci Walk i Męczeństwa ) and member of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation ( Fundacja Auschwitz-Birkenau ).

On October 25, 2012 Bergman was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Legion of Honor.


  • "Nie masz bóżnicy powszechnej" Synagogi i domy modlitwy w Warszawie od końca XVIII do początku XXI wieku (Publishing House DiG, 2007)
  • Nurt mauretański w architekturze synagog Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w XIX i na początku XX wieku (Neriton Publishing House, 2004)
  • Survey of historic Jewish monuments in Poland: report to the United Stated Commission for the prese, together with Jan Jagielski and Phyllis Myers (World Monuments Fund, 1995)
  • Zachowane synagogi i domy modlitwy w Polsce: catalog, together with Jan Jagielski (the Jewish Historical Institute, 1996)

Individual evidence

  1. Eleonora Bergman. Retrieved April 15, 2018 .
  2. Wyborcza.pl. Retrieved April 15, 2018 .
  3. Legia Honorowa dla Eleonory Bergman . "Stolica", s. 5, 11/2012.