Elewter Luarsabowitsch Andronikaschwili

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Elewter Luarsabowitsch Andronikaschwili ( Russian Элевтер Луарсабович Андроникашвили , Georgian ელეფთერ ლუარსაბის ძე ანდრონიკაშვილი Elepter Luarsabis dse Andronikaschwili ; born December 12, jul. / 25. December  1910 greg. In St. Petersburg ; † 9. September 1989 in Tbilisi ) was a Russian - Georgian Physicist and university professor .


Andronikashvili came from an important Georgian aristocratic family that traced back to their ancestor Emperor Andronikos I Komnenus of Byzans and after Georgia was annexed to the Russian Empire, the family of the Andronikov princes . His maternal grandfather was the Jewish historian and educator Jakow Gurevich . Andronikashvili was the younger brother of the literary scholar Irakli Andronikow .

Andronikaschwili studied physics at the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute with graduation in 1932. 1934-1945 he lectured at the University of Tbilisi . In 1940 he began work on his doctoral thesis in Pyotr Kapiza's Institute for Physical Problems of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Moscow , which he had to abandon after the beginning of the German-Soviet War .

From 1942 Andronikaschwili worked in the physics institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR founded in 1941 . In 1945 he resumed work on his doctoral thesis and received his doctorate in physical and mathematical sciences in 1948 . In 1951 he became director of the physics institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR and at the same time head of the physics chair at the University of Tbilisi with an appointment as professor. In 1955 he became a real member of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR.

Andronikaschwili dealt with problems of quantum hydrodynamics , low-temperature physics , cosmic radiation , solid-state physics , nuclear technology and biophysics . He became known through his early experimental investigations into superfluid helium II . In 1946 he carried out the classic experiment proposed by Lew Landau with measuring the torsional oscillation period and damping of discs lying on top of one another. In 1960 he investigated vortex waves in helium II. In 1961 he developed a cooling circuit for irradiating materials in the nuclear reactor at temperatures close to absolute zero .


Individual evidence

  1. a b c Андроникашвили, Элевтер Луарсабович. In: Большая биографическая энциклопедия; accessed on January 30, 2017.
  2. Andronikašvili, Elefter Luarsabovič . In: Enciclopedie on line ; accessed on January 30, 2017.
  3. ^ Gordon Fraser (Ed.): The New Physics for the 21st Century . Cambridge University Press, 2006.
  4. EL Andronikashvili, DS Tsakadze: The propagation of oscillations along vortex lines in rotating helium II . In: Sov. Phys. JETP . tape 10 , 1960, p. 227-228 .
  5. EL Andronikashvili, Yu G. Mamaladze: Quantization of macroscopic motions and hydrodynamics of rotating helium II . In: Rev. Mod. Phys. tape 38 , 1966, pp. 567-625 .
  6. ^ EL Andronikashvili, Yu G. Mamaladze: Rotation of helium II . In: Progress in Low Temperature Physics . tape V , no. 3 , 1967, p. 79-160 .
  7. RJ Donelly: Quantized Vortices in Helium II . Cambridge University Press, 1991.