Elijah Mudenda

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Elijah Haatuakali Kaiba Mudenda (born June 6, 1927 in Macha Village / Choma , † November 2, 2008 in Lusaka ) was a Zambian politician and former Prime Minister.

Mudenda, who graduated from Makerere University and Fort Hare University in South Africa with a “Master of Arts” and a further degree from the University of Cambridge with a “Bachelor of Science in Agriculture”, was one of the first Zambian politicians completed university education. After returning to his home country, he worked as a research officer in a plant breeding laboratory. In 1962 he became politically active.

After the declaration of independence in 1964, Mudenda was appointed Minister of Agriculture by President Kenneth Kaunda . He was appointed Finance Minister in 1967 and Foreign Minister in 1969 and 1970 to 1973. As such, he was also a member of several international committees.

On May 27, 1975, President Kaunda appointed him Prime Minister after the resignation of Mainza Chona . As such, he was given extensive power of attorney in economic matters, in particular to stimulate non-mining industries. On July 20, 1977, however, he was replaced again by Mainza Chona as Prime Minister. After that, Mudenda only held party offices and finally withdrew from politics at the end of the 1990s.


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