Elisabeth Goes

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Elisabeth Goes (née Schneider ; born November 16, 1911 in Bietigheim ; † August 23, 2007 in Hermannsburg ) was a German pastor's wife, member of the Württemberg parsonage chain and Righteous Among the Nations .


Elisabeth Schneider spent her childhood in Bietigheim and Dörzbach . There was a synagogue in Dörzbach , so she came into contact with Jews early on . She became a kindergarten teacher and married Albrecht Goes in 1933 , who became pastor in Unterbalzheim in the same year . The first daughter was born in 1934, the second in 1936. The couple moved to Gebersheim in 1938 . In 1939 she had her third daughter.

Her husband was called up as a military chaplain in 1940 . Until the end of the Second World War, Elisabeth Goes was in charge of the pastoral office and the girls' group in addition to her housework.

The pastor of Flacht , Otto Mörike , asked her to help an allegedly ill community nurse from Berlin and asked her whether she was ready to take the woman into the rectory. At first she didn't hear anything else until he asked if she would also accept Jews.

On August 22, 1944, she accepted the Jewish couple Max and Ines Krakauer in the rectory. Since November 1943 she had lived with Otto Mörike, his wife Gertrud and the couple's five children. Max Krakauer had operated a film distribution company in Leipzig, which he had been forced to give up in 1933. Krakauer and his wife tried in vain to emigrate; from 1939 they lived in Berlin . Only the daughter Inge managed to escape to Great Britain in 1939. Max and Ines Krakauer lived as alleged bomb refugees from Berlin with Elisabeth Goes and her children until September 20, 1944. Only one farmer who provided them with food knew that they were Jews. Max Krakauer later noted in his memoirs the courage of the pastor's wife, who was on her own. Elisabeth Goes later offered refuge to two Jewish women.

Elisabeth and Albrecht Goes moved to Stuttgart-Rohr in 1954.

In 1991, Elisabeth Goes was named Righteous Among the Nations.


  • Peter Haigis: You helped Jews. Swabian parsonages in resistance. Edition Gemeindeblatt, Evangelische Gemeindepresse Stuttgart 2007, ISBN 978-3-920207-18-6 , p. 200 f.
  • Elisabeth Stiefel: You were a mess. Women in resistance. Francke , Marburg 2015 ISBN 9783868274936 (including a chapter on EG)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Gertrud & Reverend Otto Mörike on the website of Yad Vashem (English)
  2. Peter Haigis: They helped Jews. Swabian parsonages in resistance. Edition Gemeindeblatt, Evangelische Gemeindepresse Stuttgart 2007, ISBN 978-3-920207-18-6 , p. 201.
  3. Righteous Among the Nations Honored by Yad Vashem (PDF; 271 kB)