Ella Müller-Payer

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Ella Müller-Payer , born as Ella Payer (born October 13, 1879 in Stuttgart ; † July 5, 1957 ibid) was a German politician of the German Democratic Party (DDP). In 1919, she was one of the small group of politically active women who were elected to the 150-seat constituent assembly in the newly formed state of Württemberg . From 1919 to 1920 she was a member of the Württemberg state parliament .


Ella Payer was born in the autumn of 1879 in the Württemberg state capital, Stuttgart, as the daughter of the lawyer and later Vice Chancellor of the German Empire , Friedrich Payer , and his wife Alwine Louise, née Schöninger (1854–1936). She grew up with her older brother Friedrich Adolf (1877–1961) in Stuttgart. Like her father, Payer was politically active and after the introduction of women's suffrage was a member of the left-liberal German Democratic Party.

On April 13, 1901, she married the lawyer Albert Friedrich Müller (1870–1953) in the Stuttgart collegiate church , who joined her father's office. The couple's only son, Hans Georg Müller-Payer (1902–1972), also became a lawyer. He also worked as a writer, translator and editor; Among other things, he was editor-in-chief of the regional history supplement to the State Gazette for Baden-Württemberg.

At the age of 39, Ella Müller-Payer was elected in the state elections on January 12, 1919 as one of 13 women in the constituent assembly of the People's State of Württemberg, which had a total of 150 seats. From January 1919 to June 1920 she was a member of the Württemberg state parliament . She was a member of the legitimation committee , the committee for the draft law on municipal electoral law and the municipal council, as well as the committee for the consultation of the draft of a state election law . However, since she had not found as much satisfaction in parliamentary operations as her father, she did not run again in the following state elections on June 6, 1920 .

Little is known about her subsequent life. Together with her parents, she built a two-family house in the renowned Gänsheide district of Stuttgart in 1926. The non-profit media sales company Matthias Film gGmbH is located in this building at Gänsheidestraße 67 .

Müller-Payer was the author of a dialect radio play entitled Das Häusle. A cheerful game that was produced by Süddeutscher Rundfunk and broadcast for the first time on October 19, 1952 as part of the series From Our Homeland .

In May 1953 her husband died. Ella Müller-Payer died on July 5, 1957 in her hometown of Stuttgart.


  • Frank Raberg : Biographical handbook of the Württemberg state parliament members 1815-1933 . On behalf of the Commission for Historical Regional Studies in Baden-Württemberg. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-17-016604-2 , p. 1021 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Ina Hochreuther: Women in Parliament. Southwest German MP since 1919 . Theiss, Stuttgart 1992, ISBN 3-8062-1012-8 , p. 89.
  2. ^ DNB, catalog of the German National Library. In: d-nb.info. Retrieved September 1, 2018 .
  3. Ulrike Schlieper et al .: radio play 1952 - 1953 . A documentation (= German Broadcasting Archive [Hrsg.]: Publications of the German Broadcasting Archive . Volume 39 ). 1st edition. tape 39 . Verlag für Berlin-Brandenburg, Potsdam 2004, ISBN 3-935035-68-3 , p. 246 .
  4. Müller-Payer, Albert, Dr. - German digital library. In: deutsche-digitale-bibliothek.de. May 23, 1953, accessed September 1, 2018 .