Emmanuel Jouanne

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Emmanuel Jouanne (born 1960 in Caen ; died February 6, 2008 in France ) was a French science fiction writer and translator.


Born in Normandy , he grew up partly in the south in the Var department after his mother had remarried . Not getting along well with his stepfather, he was sent to boarding school, studied mathematics and literature, and soon decided to become a writer. Influenced by the surrealists and avid readers of Anglo-Saxon science fiction in particular, he began to write stories with which he quickly made a name for himself as an author of radically anti-conformist science fiction. His unusually long, seemingly surreal titles were also striking, such as one of his first stories Scènes de la vie quotidienne de l'édifice, en abécédaire, et mouvements d'objets, de mécanismes, de personnages, d'idées (1979, for example : “Scenes from the everyday life of the building, alphabetically, and movements of objects, mechanisms, characters, ideas”), or Si vous balbutiez encore dans votre tombe de pierres, pensez et priez, et peut-être les vivants découvriront-ils des limites au camp! (1979, something like "If you are still stuttering in your stone grave, think and pray, and maybe the living will discover the camp fences!").

In 1982, Jouanne's first novel Damiers imaginaires was published , which the following year won the Prix ​​Rosny aîné , one of the most prestigious French science fiction prizes. The two protagonists are pawns on a planetary chess board without being aware of it at first. When that changes, they try to figure out the rules of the game. With the novel Ici-bas , published in 1984 , Jouanne won the Prix Rosny aîné a second time. In 1988, his third novel Nuage won the Prix Galaxie, making Jouanne the only recipient of this short-lived award.

In his mid-20s he found himself in the position of a very successful and also very productive young SF author. From the mid-1980s he also began to make a name for himself as a literary translator of American SF and translated several books by Philip K. Dick , but also Ray Bradbury , Orson Scott Card and Kim Stanley Robinson . Together with Yves Frémion he wrote under the community pseudonym Colonel Durruti - the name refers to the Spanish syndicalist and revolutionary Buenaventura Durruti - the anarchist Soviet crime series, the fifth and last volume of which, Le Soviet au Congo, appeared posthumously in 2016.

In December 1986, Jouanne was one of the founding members of Limite , a literary group that in the following year published Malgré le monde , an anthology of short stories under the community pseudonym Limite . The group's aim was to give French science fiction a new direction, with Jouanne and Francis Berthelot in particular also having an interest in literary theory. The group's success was limited. Although the initiative was well received by critics and Berthelot was awarded the Grand Prix de la Science-Fiction Française for his contribution , the work was accused of being too formalistic and downright illegible.

Towards the end of the 1980s, Jouanne entered a difficult phase, characterized by personal problems, in which he was temporarily homeless. The youth novel L'Inconnu de la ruelle , published in 1999, is based on the experiences of this time . His last texts were the three short stories published in 2006 in Aux limites du son , the second Limites anthology. Exhausted from a healed cancer, Jouanne died unexpectedly in February 2008 of complications from diabetes .


  • 1983 Prix ​​Rosny aîné for the novel Damiers imaginaires
  • 1985 Prix Rosny aîné for the novel Ici-bas
  • 1988 Prix Galaxie for the novel Nuage


Soviet (series of novels, together with Yves Frémion under the pseudonym Colonel Durruti)
  • Tuez un salaud! (1985)
  • Le Rat Débile et les Rats Méchant (1986)
  • C'est la danse des connards (1987)
  • Berlin l'Enchanteur (1997)
  • Le Soviet au Congo (2016)
Terre en phases (series of novels)
  • Le Rêveur de chats (1988)
  • La Trajectoire de la taupe (1989)
  • Damiers imaginaires (1982)
  • Quand vint l'époque de la fin des époques (1982)
  • Nuage (1983)
  • Ici-bas (1984)
  • L'Âge de fer (1988)
  • Rêve de chair (1988, with Jacques Barbéri)
  • L'Hiver, aller et retour (1995)
  • L'Inconnu de la ruelle (1999, novel for young people)
  • Mémoires de sable (2015, with Jacques Barbéri)
  • Dites-le avec des mots (1985, with Jean-Pierre Vernay)
  • Cruautés (1987)
Short stories
  • Scènes de la vie quotidienne de l'édifice, en abécédaire, et mouvements d'objets, de mécanismes, de personnages, d'idées (1979)
  • Si vous balbutiez encore dans votre tombe de pierres, pensez et priez, et peut-être les vivants découvriront-ils des limites au camp! (1979)
  • Comment, quand, et où mourut le temps, pour des raisons inconnues, sur le balcon en-dessous du balcon (1981)
  • La guerre du papier (1981)
  • Les prisons (1981)
  • Quand le cancer fera de toi une forteresse, voisin, sauras-tu retrouver la douceur de tes paysages et la naïveté des dessins de ton enfance? (1982)
  • La question d'où naquit la plage (1982)
  • Hospitalité (1983)
  • Trajectoire de chasse (1983)
  • Le corps du texte (1983)
  • Sept épisodes de la vie intense mais régulière du Haut Commissaire Chargé des Affaires Ordinaires du Peuple (1983)
  • L'anniversaire du Grand Anonyme (1983)
  • Les jours d'été (1985, with Jean-Pierre Vernay)
  • Dites-le avec des mots (1985, with Jean-Pierre Vernay)
  • Eh! et si l'amour des étoiles avait plus de rapports avec la chair qu'on ne le croit? Et si les rêves d'enfant avaient moins de rapport avec les joujoux qu'on ne le croit? Hé! Qu'est-ce que vous dites de ça? (1985, with Jean-Pierre Vernay)
  • Le vol de la mésange (1985, with Jean-Pierre Vernay)
  • Les portées du silence (1985, with Jean-Pierre Vernay)
  • Vénus aux papiers (1985, with Jean-Pierre Vernay)
  • La musique des surfaces (1986, with Jacques Barbéri)
  • Avions (1987)
  • Cessons de nous tourmenter: la fin, la vraie, n'est que pour après-demain; voisins, réjouissons-nous de la longueur de l'apocalypse! (1987)
  • Comment, quand et où mourut le temps, pour des raisons inconnues, sur le balcon en dessous du balcon (1987)
  • Cruautés (1987)
  • Extinction des feux (1987)
  • Histoire d'une histoire toute seule (1987)
  • L'âge de pierre (1987)
  • La course de Casanova (1987)
  • Le suicide sans fin (1987)
  • Les masques du clown (1987)
  • Multiplication du voleur (1987)
  • Les enfants meurent en souriant (1989, with Roland C. Wagner)
  • La fille 200 (1995, with Jacques Barbéri)
  • -.- / .- / .- .. / .- / ---- / -. / .. / -.- / --- / ...- (1998)
  • Après-guerre (2000)
  • Dies Irae (2006, with Jacques Barbéri)
  • Experiences en sous-sol (2006)
  • Acrobaties hors de propos (2006)
  • La grande Oiseau (2011, with Jacques Barbéri)
  • Mirage (2011, with Jacques Barbéri)
  • Orson Scott Card : Espoir-du-Cerf (1984, Hart's Hope , 1983)
  • RA Lafferty : Annales de Klepsis (1985, Annals of Klepsis , 1983)
  • Ray Bradbury : La Solitude est un cercueil de verre (1986, Death is a Lonely Business , 1985)
  • Philip K. Dick : Radio libre Albemuth (1987, Radio free Albemuth , 1985)
  • Kim Stanley Robinson : La Côte dorée (1989, The gold coast , 1988)
  • Philip K. Dick: Le Voyage gelé (1990)
  • Philip K. Dick: L'Oeil de la sibylle (1991)
  • Donald Edwin Westlake : Anarchaos (1991)
  • James Morrow : Cité de vérité (1992, City of truth , 1990)
  • Philip K. Dick: L'Orphée aux pieds d'argile (1995)
  • Jack Womack : Journal de nuit (1995, Random Acts of Senseless Violence , 1993)
  • Philip K. Dick: La Trilogie divine (2002)
  • Philip K. Dick: Souvenir (2003)


  • Richard Comballot: Emmanuel Jouanne. In: ders .: Clameurs: portraits voltés. La Volte, 2014, ISBN 978-2-37049-004-9 , pp. 207-236 (interview).
  • Richard Comballot: Nuage. Roman atmospheric. Foreword to: Emmanuel Jouanne: Nuage. La Volte, 2016, ISBN 978-2-37049-028-5 .
  • Elisabeth Gille : Interview d'Emmanuel Jouanne. In: Gérard Bourgadier (ed.): La science-fiction chez Denoël. Denoël, 1985, pp. 39-44.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Emmanuel Jouanne ( Memento from August 15, 2017 in the Internet Archive ), short biography in Cafard Cosmique (French)