Enver Tuncer

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Enver Tuncer (born August 1, 1971 in Bergheim ) is a German journalist and radio presenter of Turkish descent.


Tuncer's parents come from the Turkish province of İzmir . He started school in Turkey and lived in Karşıyaka, İzmir. After graduating from high school in Turkey, he first studied musicology for two years at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of September 9 in İzmir .

In 1990 he moved to Germany and then completed a preparatory training course at the Clara Schumann Music School in Düsseldorf . He then studied musicology with the minor subjects German philology and pedagogy . In 1998 he finished his studies with the thesis The Reception of Classical Music in Turkey after 1923 .

After completing his studies, Enver Tuncer worked as a freelance journalist mainly for the Europa broadcasting company of West German Broadcasting . He initiated there weekly Turkish cult show Çılgın , moderated this alternately with Canan Büyrü to 2004. He made in time internships at the editorial classical music from Radio Bremen as well as Radio France Bleu in Aix-en-Provence and received 2001 Bursary of New York American Council On Germany Foundation .

He also played at various parties in Amsterdam, Paris and Cologne. Most recently at parties he initiated in Cologne, called the Turkish Delight Party in the “SchuLZ”, the Turkish Delight Club in the “Final Destination” and the Turkish Delight Lounge in the “Blue Lounge”.

He is now working on various internet, radio, TV and advertising projects in Germany , France and Turkey. He lives in Cologne and Berlin .