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The Epeians ( Greek  Ἐπειοί Epeioi ) was an already in antiquity -lost people in the north of the historic landscape Elis .

According to the ship catalog that Homer - who mentions the Epeier many times - offers in the second song of the Iliad , they provided four contingents of ten ships each in the Trojan War on the side of the Greeks. Their four military leaders were Amphimachos and his cousin Thalpios as well as Diores and Polyxeinos . From Homer, who mentions four Elish places in front of the four military leaders, one concludes that they were divided into four groups.

In the tradition of the epic , they were the oldest inhabitants of part of Elis and were called Epeier and Elean alike. The relationship between Epieres and Eleans was already discussed in ancient times. Hekataios contradicted in the 5th century BC. BC as the first to equate and proceeded from two different peoples. Ephorus of Kyme reported fighting between Epeiern and sold by them from Elis Aetolians . Strabo commented on the problem in detail and suspected a later merger of the two peoples. Pausanias finally narrates that the Epeier had received their name from Epeios , the son of Endymion and brother of Aitolus , but were later named after the nephew of Epeios, Eleios , Eleer.



  1. Homer, Iliad 4,537; 11,688,694,732,744; 13,686,691; 15,519; 23.630 ff .; Odyssey 13,275; 15.298; 24.431
  2. Homer, Iliad 2,615-624.
  3. Homer, Iliad 2,615-624; Pausanias 5,3,4; Hyginus , Fabulae 97.
  4. Homer, Iliad 2,615-618.
  5. Hesiod fragment 86.2; Pindar , Olympic Odes 9.54-62.
  6. Hekataios FHG 91 in Strabo 8,341 (= FGrHist 1 F 25).
  7. Ephoros FHG 15 in Strabo 8,357.
  8. Strabo 8,341.
  9. Pausanias 5: 1, 4, 8.