Erich Müller (politician, 1917)

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Erich Müller (born October 17, 1917 in Schlanders ; † October 1, 2003 ) was a South Tyrolean politician.


Erich Müller was born in Schlanders in 1917, when it still belonged to the county of Tyrol and thus to Austria-Hungary , and grew up there during the time of Italian fascism . After attending primary school, he moved to live with friends in Salzburg , where he graduated from the Realgymnasium in 1937. He then returned to Italy to study pharmacy at the University of Genoa . In 1941 he was able to complete his studies with the laurea . As an optant , he was drafted into the Wehrmacht for the medical service a short time later . Towards the end of the Second World War , Müller became an American prisoner of war, from which he returned to South Tyrol in 1946 . He then worked as a pharmacist in Bolzano and Silandro .

In the municipal elections in 1956, Müller ran for the first time as a representative of the South Tyrolean People's Party (SVP). He succeeded in moving into the Schlanders municipal council and committee, where he particularly took care of the hospital under construction. In 1958 he was elected mayor of his home municipality. As such, he was instrumental in promoting the establishment of the Vinschgau Valley Community in 1962 , of which he was also President until 1983. After ten years in the mayor's office, in 1968 he successfully ran for the regional council of Trentino-South Tyrol and, at the same time, for the South Tyrolean state parliament , to which he belonged for three legislative periods until 1983. From 1970 to 1984 he was assessor in the regional government of Trentino-South Tyrol , where he also served as the first German-speaking politician as vice-president from 1972.

Müller, who was awarded, among other things, the Cross of Merit of the State of Tyrol , the Decoration of Honor of the State of Tyrol and the honorary citizenship of the community of Schlanders, retired into private life after his political mandates expired in the 1980s.


  • Magdalena Dietl Sapelza: The father of the valley community . In: Der Vinschger , 19/2003 ( online ).
  • Heinrich Kofler: In memory of a great Tyrolean . In: Dolomiten , October 31, 2003 ( online ).

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