Erika Taube

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Erika Taube (born Vieweg, born November 22, 1933 in Nossen ; † July 3, 2020 in Markkleeberg ) was a German ethnologist and folklorist who became known for her research on the Tuvinians of the Mongolian Altai.

ErikaTaube, ethnologist and folklorist, 2010


Erika Taube studied Sinology , Tibetology and Japanese Studies (1952–1957) at the University of Leipzig and 1957/1958 in Beijing . Then she was a research assistant , later a research assistant at the Leipzig East Asian Institute. After graduating, she worked her way into Mongolian and folklore studies. This was followed by a doctorate in 1964 with a dissertation on Mongolian fairy tale fabrics. Since 1966 she has been doing research in Mongolia, especially among the Tuwins of the Mongolian Altai. From 1992 she was a research assistant at the Institute for Indology and Central Asian Studies (teaching the Mongolian and Tuvinian language and culture) at the University of Leipzig. In 1996 she was awarded the Friedrich Weller Prize . Erika Taube was married to the Tibetologist and Mongolist Manfred Taube . She died in Markkleeberg near Leipzig on July 3, 2020. Erika Taube's pupils are the orientalist and journalist Jakob Taube (Markkleeberg) and the ethnologist and writer Anett C. Oelschlägel (Halle / Saale).

Erika Taube with an Altaitu winemaker, 1982, photo courtesy of the Taube family


Erika Taube dealt with the Tuwins in the Mongolian Altai, who were almost unknown before her studies. Since the sixties she has worked her way into the language, history and culture of this scriptless ethnic group. Her research focused particularly on the oral tradition of the Tuvan people. In addition to the small forms of Tuvinian folk poetry, such as proverbs, riddles and songs, she collected fairy tales, epics and legends on site, which she recorded, transcribed, translated and published in several books. There were also scientific studies on the ethnography and folklore of this ethnic group. The ancient Aituovian writer Galsan Tschinag supported her in some of her projects . Erika Taube's folkloric material still serves Turkologists and folklore researchers as a rich source for further research.

Editions and monographs (selection)

  • Folkloristic and factual content of Mongolian fairy tale material . Leipzig 1965, unpublished dissertation, OCLC 73993327 .
Erika Taube in the Altai, 1967, photo courtesy of the Taube family
  • The leopard checkered horse . Berlin 1977, children's book publisher, as a collector, translator and editor.
  • Tuvan folk tales . Berlin 1978, Akademie-Verlag, as a collector, translator and editor.
  • Tuvan songs. Folk poetry . Leipzig 1980, Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag OCLC 310682311 , as a collector, translator and editor.
  • Shamans and Rhapsodes. The spiritual culture of ancient Mongolia . Vienna 1983, Koehler & Amelang, ISBN 3-85063-141-9 , with Manfred Taube.
  • Skazki i predanija altajskich tuvincev [Fairy tales and legends of the Altaituwiner]. Moskva 1994, Vostočnaja Literatura, as a collector and editor.
  • Folk tales of the Mongols . Munich 2004, Biblion-Verlag, ISBN 3-923776-34-9 , as translator and editor.
  • Tuvinian folklore texts from the Altai (Cengel / Western Mongolia): Small forms . Wiesbaden 2008, Harrassowitz Verlag (Turcologica 71), as a collector, translator and editor.

Essays on ethnography (selection)

  • Some Mongolian entertainment games. In: JMV Lg. Volume 24 (1967), pp. 56-65.
  • Three men's competitions. About the traditional Mongolian sports. In: The ancient world. 22, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1976, pp. 99-106.
  • Shamans, necromancers and worshipers. In: Walther Heissig , Claudius C. Müller (Ed.): The Mongols. Innsbruck: Pinguin-Verlag, and Frankfurt / M .: Umschau-Verlag 1989, pp. 216–218.

Essays on the ethnography of the Tuwins (selection)

  • Children's cradles in Cengel-sum (Western Mongolia). In: Communications from the Institute for Orient Research. Volume XIII, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1967, pp. 199-206.
  • Mother and child in the customs of the Tuvins of Western Mongolia. In: JMV Lg. Volume 27, 1970, pp. 75-89.
  • The reflection of religious ideas in the everyday customs of the Tuvins of Western Mongolia. In: Traditions religieuses et para-religieuses des peuples altaïques. Strasbourg 1972 [= Bibliothèque des Centres d'Études Supérieures Spécialisés], pp. 119-138.
  • The castration festival at the Tuwins of Cengel-sum. In: Asia in the past and present. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1974 [= SAALA 16], pp. 443-457.
  • For hunting with the Tuwins of Cengel-sum in western Mongolia. In: JMV Lg. Volume 31, 1977, pp. 37-50.
  • Notes on shamanism among the Tuwins of Cengel-sum (Western Mongolia). In: JMV Lg. Volume 33, 1981, pp. 43-69.
  • Beginnings of settling down among Tuwinians in the west of the MVR. In: The nomads in the past and present. Contribution to an international nomadism symposium on December 11th and 12th, 1975 at the Museum für Völkerkunde Leipzig. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1981 [= VMV Lg. Heft 33], pp. 97-108.
  • The Tuvins in the Altai (MVR). In: KBMV Dr. 4, pp. 34-40 (1981).
  • The Tuvinian personal names from a historical-ethnographic point of view. In: Eichler, Ernst, and Hans Walther, Inge Bily (ed.): Contributions to Onomastics 2, lectures by the participants from the GDR on the XV. International congress for name research Karl Marx University Leipzig, 13. – 17. August 1984. Berlin: Academy of Sciences of the GDR. Zentralinstitut für Sprachwissenschaft 1985 [= Linguistic Studies, Series A (work reports) 129 / II], pp. 375–383.
  • To the traditional clothing of the Tuwins of Cengel-Sum. In: JMV Lg. Volume 37 (1987), pp. 99-127.
  • Shamans, necromancers and worshipers. In: Heissig, Walther, and Claudius C. Müller (eds.): The Mongols. Innsbruck: Pinguin-Verlag, and Frankfurt / M .: Umschau-Verlag 1989, pp. 216–218.
  • Name confusion about a small Turkic people. In: Röhrborn, Klaus, and Wolfgang Veenker (eds.): Memoriae munusculum. Commemorative ribbon for Annemarie von Gabain. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz in Komm. 1994 [= VDSUA Volume 39], pp. 131-138.
  • On the current situation of the Tuvins in the western Mongolian Altai. In: Corff, Oliver (Ed.): Infosystem Mongolei. An Internet-Based Journal on Mongolian Affairs. Berlin: Corff 1994 (24 p.).
  • On the current situation of the Tuvins in the western Mongolian Altai. In: Berta, Árpád, and Bernt Brendemoen, Claus Schönig [ed ..]: Symbolae Turcologicae. Studies in Honor of Lars Johanson on his Sixtieth Birthday 8 March 1996. Stockholm 1996 [= Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, Transactions, Vol. 6], pp. 213-225.
  • Dying and death among the Tuwinians in the Altai. In: Emmerick, Ronald E., and Werner Sundermann, Ingrid Warnke, Peter Zieme (eds.): Turfan, Khotan and Dunhuang. Lectures of the conference “Annemarie v. Gabain and Turfan Research ”, organized by the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences in Berlin (December 9-12, 1994). Berlin: Akademie Verlag 1996 [= reports and treatises. Edited by the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences. Special volume 1], pp. 317-325.
  • Death, the individual and the community (The ancient Aituwinian example). In: Assmann, Jan, and Rolf Traubie (eds.): Death, Beyond and Identity. Perspectives of a cultural-scientific thanatology. Freiburg-Munich: Karl Alber 2002 (publications by the "Institute for Historical Anthropology eV", Volume 7), pp. 110–125.
  • The Tuwiner von Cengel and nature - in everyday life and in their poetry . (Lecture at the 49th PIAC, Berlin 2006; submitted December 8, 2006). In: Kellner-Heinkele, Barbara, and Elena V. Boykova, Brigitte Heuer (ed.): Man and nature in the Altaic world. Proceedings of the 49th Permanent International Altaistic Conference, Berlin, July 30 - August 4, 2006. Berlin: Schwarz 2012. (Studies on the language, culture and history of the Turkic peoples, Volume 12). - XI, 482 pp., M. Ill. - ISBN 978-3-87997-408-5 .

Essays on folklore research (selection)

  • Three Tuvinian variants of the legend of the origin of the marmots. In: Studia Asiae. Festschrift Johannes Schubert. Part I. Halle / Saale: Buddhist Center 1969 [= Supplement to "Buddhist Yearly 1968"], pp. 263–275.
  • About the collecting of folk poetry among the Tuwins of Cengel-sum in the Bajan-Ölgij-Aimak of the MVR. In: ABMV Dr., Volume 37 [= In memoriam Gerhard Kahlo] (1979), pp. 201-222.
  • Common features of Central Asian nomad songs. In: Acta Orientalia Hungarica (Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó), Tom. 34: 287-296 (1980).
  • On the importance of Mongolian folk poetry for the origin and development of modern Mongolian literature. In: Gruner, Fritz (ed.): Literatures Asiens und Afrikas. Theoretical problems. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1981 [= SAALA 26], pp. 287-295.
  • Aspects and Results of Investigating Tuvinian Folklore. In: Barthel, Günter, and Lothar Rathmann (eds.): The Arab World and Asia in Development and Change. Dedicated to the XXXIs International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1983 [= SAALA 37], pp. 267-277.
  • Some aspects of the study of Tuvan folk tales. In: Contributions to Central Asian Studies. (On the 100th birthday of Sadriddin Aini). Berlin: Humboldt University, Asian Studies Section 1983 [= Reports 2O / 1983 (of the Humboldt University of Berlin, Asian Studies Section)], pp. 90–99.
  • On the past of the Tuvins of Cengel-sum according to their oral tradition. In: Brentjes, Burchard, and Hans-Joachim Peuke (eds.): Cultural-historical problems of South Asia and Central Asia. Halle / Saale: Martin Luther University 1984 [= congress and conference reports of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, = scientific contributions (of) Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg 25/1984], pp. 143–156 .
  • South Siberian and Central Asian Hero Tales and Shamanistic Rituals. In: Hoppál, Mihály (Ed.): Shamanism in Eurasia. Part 2, Göttingen: edition herodot 1984 [= Forum 5], pp. 344-352.
  • From the riddles of the Tuvins in the Altai. In: MMV Lg. 52 (1988), pp. 56-60.
  • Conservation fairy tale in Central Asia. In: MMV Lg. 53 (1989), pp. 51-54.
  • ālajanīj - ālanīj - ā. The introductory formula of an ancient Aituovian narrator as an ethnographic source. In: Varia Eurasiatica. Festschrift for Professor András Róna-Tas. Szeged [Department of Altaic Studies] 1991, pp. 183-193.
  • The term tōl and the epic poetry of the Tuwins in the Altai. In: Heissig, Walther (Ed.): Questions of Mongolian hero poetry. Part V. Lectures of the 6th Epensymposium of the Collaborative Research Center 12, Bonn 1988. Wiesbaden 1992 [= AF Volume 120], pp. 214-230.
  • On the originally magical function of folk poetry. In: Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher NF Volume 11, Wiesbaden 1992, pp. 112–124.
  • with Jakob Taube: fairy tales in the service of power. In: Kellner-Heinkele, Barbara (Ed.): Altaica Berolinensia. The Concept of Sovereignty in the Altaic World. Permanent International Altaistic Conference, 34th Meeting, Berlin July 21-26, 1991. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1993 [= AF Volume 126], pp. 259-264.
  • On the state of research into Tuvinian folk tales. In: Wunsch, Cornelia (ed.): 25th German Orientalist Day. Lectures, Munich April 8-13, 1991. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner 1994 [= Journal of the German Oriental Society, Supplement Volume 10], pp. 215-227.
  • Forms and functions of oral traditions among the Tuwinians in the Altai. In: Heissig, Walther (Hrsg.): Forms and functions of oral tradition. Lectures at an academy symposium in Bonn, July 1993. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag 1995 [= treatises of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Volume 95], pp. 145–155.
  • The music in the fairy tales of Central Asian peoples. In: Heindrichs, Ursula, and Heinz-Albert Heindrichs (ed.): The fairy tale and the arts. Wolfsegg: Erich Röth 1996 [= publications of the European Fairy Tale Society, Volume 21], pp. 103-120.
  • Why the narrator shouldn't be asked for long and why a narrator sometimes doesn't tell . Aspects of fairy tales and fairy tale telling among peoples of Central Asia. In: MSp 7th vol. No. 4, 1996, pp. 55-59.
  • Why don't narrators sometimes tell? About storytelling and its relationship to the numinous. In: Berta, Árpád (Ed.): Historical and Linguistic Interaction between Inner-Asia and Europe. Proceedings of the 39th Permanent International Altaistic Conference, Szeged, Hungary: June 16-21, 1996. Szeged: Department of Altaic Studies (University of Szeged) 1997 [= Studia Uralo-Altaica 39], pp. 351-363.
  • From the fairy tales of the Mongols. In: MongNot 1998 / No. 7, 42-49.
  • Magic fairy tales and magic in the fairy tale of the Tuwins. In: Heindrichs, Ursula and Heinz-Albert (eds.): Magic fairy tales. Research reports from the world of fairy tales. Munich: Eugen Diederichs 1998 [= publications of the European Fairy Tale Society, Volume 23], 286–302.
  • The Mongolian-speaking brandy songs in the tradition of the Tuwiner von Cengel. In: Approaching the Foreign. XXVI. German Orientalist Day from September 25th to 29th, 1995 in Leipzig. On behalf of DMG ed. by H. Preissler and H. Stein. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner 1998 [= ZDMG-Suppl. 11], 469-480.
  • On the source value of oral traditions from non-scripted peoples of Central Asia. In: Central Asian Studies of the Department of Linguistics and Cultural Studies of Central Asia at the University of Bonn, Volume 29, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1999, pp. 143–153.
  • Elderly killing in the fairy tales of Central Asian peoples. In: HEINDRICHS, URSULA and HEINZ-ALBERT (ed.): Age and wisdom in fairy tales. Research reports from the world of fairy tales. Munich: Hugendubel 2000 (Diederichs), pp. 224-239.
  • Expressions of faith of Central Asian nomads in their fairy tales and stories. In: MSp, vol. 15, issue 4, 2004, pp. 3-9.
  • The verses in the narrative folk poetry of the Altaic Tuvins. In: Boeschoten, H., and H. Stein [Hrsg.]: Unity and diversity in the Turkish world. Materials from the 5th German Conference on Turkology, University of Mainz, 4th – 7th October 2002. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2007 (Turcologica Volume 69), 298–309.
  • The woman in the folk poetry of the Tuvins in the Altai. In: Veit, Veronika [Ed.]: The Role of Women in the Altaic World. Permanent International Altaistic Conference, 44th Meeting, Walberberg, 26–31 August 2001. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2007 (Asiatic Research Volume 152), 279–292.
  • Narrated in yurts and yet not strange. Fairy tales from Central Asia. In: Lox, Harlinda, and Wilhelm Solms, Heinz-Adalbert Heindrichs [Hrsg.]: Encounter with the miracle in fairy tales, sagas and legends. Fairy tales as a bridge for people and cultures. Research contributions from the world of fairy tales. (Publications of the European Fairy Tale Society Volume 36). Krummwisch: Königsfurt-Urania Verlag 2011. - 336 pp. - ISBN 978-3-89875-993-9 (EMG special edition), pp. 131–148.

List of abbreviations for the bibliography

ABMV Dr. - Treatises and reports from the Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde Dresden. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin. AF - Asian research. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. EM - Encyclopedia of Fairy Tales. Concise dictionary for historical and comparative narrative research. Edited by Rolf Wilhelm Brednich. Berlin / New York: Walter de Gruyter. JMV Lg. - Yearbook of the Museum of Ethnology in Leipzig. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin. KBMV Dr. - Small contributions from the Museum für Völkerkunde Dresden. Dresden. MatTurc - Materialia Turcica. Edited by H. Váry. Bochum: Brockmeyer MMV Lg. - messages from the Museum für Völkerkunde Leipzig. Leipzig. MongNot - Mongolian Notes. Announcements from the German-Mongolian Society. [Königswinter]. MSp - fairytale mirror . Journal for international fairy tale research and fairy tale care. Hohengehren: Schneider Verlag. OLZ - Orientalist literary newspaper . Akademie-Verlag, Berlin. SAALA - Studies on Asia, Africa, Latin America. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin. T - Turcologica. Edited by Lars Johanson. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz UZ KMU - University newspaper of the Karl Marx University Leipzig. Leipzig. VMV Lg. - Publications of the Museum für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. VDSUA - Publications of the Societas Uralo-Altaica. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz in Komm. WZ KMU - Scientific journal of the Karl Marx University Leipzig, social and linguistic series. Leipzig: Rector of the Karl Marx University.

Literature about Erika Taube (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituaries , in: Leipziger Volkszeitung from July 18, 2020.
  2. Brief CV of Erika Taube .
  3. ^ Friedrich Weller Prize Retrieved April 27, 2020.
  4. Brief CV of Erika Taube .
  5. Friday .
  6. Brief CV of Erika Taube .