Jacob Taube

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Jakob Taube (born September 11, 1961 in Leipzig ) is a German orientalist .


Jakob Taube is the son of the ethnologist and folklorist Erika Taube and the Mongolist and Tibetologist Manfred Taube . He studied Persian, Uzbek and ancient Uighur languages ​​as well as oriental archeology in Berlin ( Humboldt University ), Halle and Tashkent . In 1990 he received his doctorate. phil. This was followed by stays as a fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the Institutes for Ethnology in Cologne and Berlin ( Free University ). Since 1993 he has been a lecturer first at the University of Halle-Wittenberg, then in Leipzig for Turkish languages ​​and the cultural history of Central Asian peoples. From 1999 to 2002 he worked at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences on the DFG project "Pre-Islamic Old Turkish Texts - Electronic Corpus (VATEC)", a database project. Since then he has worked as a freelance journalist, editor, translator and editor. His work initially focused on fairy tales and embroidery, as well as the beliefs of Central Asian peoples. He was particularly concerned with Central Asian spirits such as Albasty, as well as with shamanism in Siberia and Central Asia . Other topics were added later, such as borderline or the Spanish Civil War .

Writings on Central Asia (selection)

  • Ed. And translator: The half giggle: Uzbek fairy tales . Leipzig: Reclam 1990.
  • World and life in embroidery and fairy tales of Central Asian peoples: investigation into the history of worldview . Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1993 (= publications of the Societas Uralo-Altaica 36).
  • with Ignazio Vok: Vok Collection Suzani: A textile art from Central Asia , 2 parts, Munich 1994 and 2006.
  • Ed .: Leonid Pavlovič Potapovs materials on the cultural history of the Uzbeks from the years 1928–1930 , Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1995 (= Turcologica 25).
  • "A runic inscription (Tonyukuk 1–16) in the light of Jean Gebser's history of becoming conscious (with an addendum to Tonyukuk 17–32)", splinters from the Turfan area: Festschrift for Peter Zieme on the occasion of his 60th birthday , ed. by Mehmet Ölmez and Simone-Christiane Raschmann, İstanbul / Berlin 2002, pp. 333–365.
  • "Faith in ghosts among Tajiks and Uzbeks" and "Seasons and flower festivals among Tajiks and Uzbeks", in: The pre-Islamic religions of Central Asia , ed. by Karl Jettmar and Ellen Kattner, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2003 (= The Religions of Mankind 4,3), pp. 94–140.
  • Edited with Anett C. Oelschlägel , Ingo Nentwig : “Roter Altai, give your echo!” Festschrift for Erika Taube on her 65th birthday , Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2005.
  • "Albasty and the motif of many breasts", in: The Role of Women in the Altaic World: Permanent International Altaistic Conference 44th Meeting , Walberberg, 26. – 31. August 2001, ed. By Veronika Veit, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2007 (= Asiatische Forschungen 152), pp. 293-305.
  • Albasty: Child bed demon and vamp among the Kazakhs: general part , word space - Edition: Huy-Neinstedt 2008 (= word space - nature 4).
  • "The pelican not only in the Altaic world", in: Barbara Kellner-Heinkele, Elena V. Boykova, Brigitte Heuer (eds.), Man and Nature in the Altaic World: Proceedings of the 49th Permanent International Altaistic Conference, Berlin, July 30 - August 4, 2006 , Berlin: Klaus Schwarz 2012 (= studies on the language, history and culture of the Turkic peoples 12), pp. 389–398.
  • Albasty: Child bed demon and vamp with the Kazakhs II: Special part , Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2013.
  • Translator: Bahrom Ro'zimuhammad: I have forgotten myself , poems from Uzbek, Leipzig: Leipziger Literaturverlag 2013.

Other fonts (selection)

  • Borderline and Central Asian Shamanism: Memories of Röderhof , Halle: Projekt-Verlag Cornelius 2011.
  • Pattern of madness: The Nietzsche case , Halle: Projekt-Verlag Cornelius 2012.
  • Hans Kahle (1899–1947): The forgotten commander of the “Thälmann Brigade” , Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2017.
  • From the Whispering Grotto: Contributions to the autumn meeting in Röderhof 1990–2017 , Leipzig: Leipziger Literaturverlag 2019.
  • with Manfred Taube (Ed.): Erika Taube - Letters from Mongolia (1966-1987) Leipzig 2020, ISBN 978-3-96023-357-2 ( [1] )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Short biography of Jakob Taube .