Erl (blade)

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Erl: number 11

The terms Erl or Angel are used to describe the extension of the blade of most hand tools and many edged weapons through the handle .

In contrast, the term shaft is used for the handle parts of poles and some cutting , stabbing , striking and thrusting weapons (including sword , lance and spear ) as well as for devices with interchangeable tools .


  • The flat is very stable against stress and allows a secure attachment of the handle shells.
  • The round is mostly used for knives with handles made of deer horn or wood. The hollowed-out handle is placed over the round, the space in between is filled with epoxy resin and the end is screwed on.
    • In the case of tools whose handle is not subject to rotation , the tang is only wedged. An antiquated technique is to guide the tang through the wooden handle and fold it back and forth in a U-shape.
  • Especially with high-quality carving tools, the tang is polygonal, with files and rasps it is also triangular.
  • A rat tail tang is a very thin, round tang that is only screwed on.


Tools with a handle include knives , spoons , forks , saws , files , rasp and chisel .


Bladed weapons and knives usually have a tang.

In Japanese swords, the Erl is called Nakago .

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