Erna Hamburger

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Erna Hamburger (1962)

Erna Hamburger (born September 14, 1911 in Ixelles , Belgium ; † May 16, 1988 in Lausanne , Switzerland ) was a German-Swiss electrical engineer and university teacher . In 1968 she was the first woman to receive a chair at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL / ETHL) .

The Erna Hamburger Prize has been awarded since 2006.


Erna Hamburger was the daughter of Frédéric Hamburger and Else geb. Müller. Her father was an electrical engineer with a doctorate in physics . She attended secondary schools in Kissingen and Lausanne. At the École d'ingénieurs de l'Université de Lausanne (today EPFL / ETHL) she received her diploma as electrical engineer in 1933 and completed her doctorate in 1936 (Dr. sc. Techn.). As a German, she received 1934 Borex the home authority . After completing her doctorate, she worked on high-frequency circuits at the Institute for Technical Physics (AfiF) at ETH Zurich under the direction of Fritz Fischer .

Hamburger worked in various companies, including Paillard SA and in the Swiss military. In 1952 she was appointed head of the laboratory for electrical engineering at the Ecole Polytechnique de l'Université de Lausanne (EPUL, since 1969 EPFL / EPFL) transmitted. She retained the leadership position after being appointed associate professor five years later . She was appointed first full professor in the ETH Domain in 1967. From 1968 to 1979 she was the first woman to hold a chair in electrical engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL, until 1969 EPUL).

Hamburger held a number of honorary positions. She was President of the Association of Vaudois Academics and Vice-President of the International Federation of University Women (IFUW). In Switzerland she was President of the Swiss Association of Professional and Business Women, the Technical Commission of the Swiss Institute for Housekeeping in Zurich and the Technorama Foundation .

Hamburger was single and Protestant.


The University of Lausanne (UNIL) named its largest auditorium after Erna Hamburger in 2003 .


Erna Hamburger Foundation

The Erna-Hamburger-Stiftung, established in 1989, supports postgraduate studies for women in the canton of Vaud .

Erna Hamburger Prize

The EPFL-WISH Foundation (Women in Science and Humanities Foundation) , which was founded by professors from EPF Lausanne, aims to promote research by women at EPFL. Among other things, it awards the Erna-Hamburger-Preis every year, which honors the exemplary career of a woman in the scientific field.

Prize winners:

Web links

Commons : Erna Hamburger  - Collection of images, videos and audio files