Ernest Poole

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Ernest Poole (around 1915)

Ernest Poole (born January 23, 1880 in Chicago , Illinois , † January 10, 1950 in Franconia , New Hampshire ) is an American journalist and writer who was the first to receive the Pulitzer Prize for novels in 1918 for his novel His Family .


Poole attended Princeton University (graduated in 1902) and worked as a socially critical journalist. His first book, Child Labor: The Street (1903), is about child labor, the next, Katharine Breshkovsky: For Russia's Freedom (1905), reported on the revolutionary mood in Moscow and the Caucasus after St. Petersburg's Bloody Sunday . Poole was sent to Russia by Outlook magazine in 1905 , and in 1917 the New Republic, founded in 1914, sent him to revolutionary Russia .

The Harbor (1915), a socialist novel, sold 78,000 copies. His Family (1917), won the Pulitzer Prize for the Novel and also became a bestseller.

In the following years, in addition to the novels His People (1917), The Avalanche (1924), Silent Storms (1927), The Car of Croesus (1930) and The Nancy Flyer: A Stagecoach Epic (1949), a few books about Russia: The Dark People: Russia's Crisis (1919), The Village: Russian Impressions (1919), Danger (1923), With Eastern Eyes (1926), The Destroyer (1931), Great Winds (1933), Nurses on Horseback (1933). Also Giants Gone: Men Who Made Chicago (1943) and The Great White Hills of New Hampshire (1948).

A collection of short stories appeared in 1925 under the title The Little Dark Man & Other Russian Sketches. His memoir, The Bridge: My Own Story , appeared in 1940. In 1916 he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters . Poole was a member of the prestigious Dutch Treat Club in New York City from 1920 until his death in 1950 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ His Family (Google Books)
  2. ^ Rosecrans Baldwin: Poole's Prize: Why Did My Father's Great-Great Uncle Win a Pulitzer for Fiction? , in: Fine Books Magazine
  3. ^ Members: Ernest Poole. American Academy of Arts and Letters, accessed April 20, 2019 .