Ernst Bühring

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Ernst Bühring (full name Friedrich August Konrad Bühring ; born September 3, 1844 in Hanover ; † October 17, 1928 there ) was a German architect.


Ernst Bühring was born as the son of a master carpenter in the royal seat of the Kingdom of Hanover in 1844 and attended the high school under Adolf Tellkampf until Easter 1860 , after which he initially trained as a bricklayer.

From 1862 to 1865 Bühring studied in his native town at the then polytechnic school under matriculation number 3789 as a student of Conrad Wilhelm Hase . In Hanover he became a member of the Corps Saxonia . He then worked until around 1870 as an employee of the architect Wilhelm Lüer .

During his participation in the Franco-German War as a soldier from 1870 to 1871, Bühring was wounded. In 1871, in the year the German Empire was proclaimed , he went into business for himself as an architect in Hanover. In the following year, at the suggestion of the Hanoverian architect Ludwig Brockmann , he was accepted as a member of the association at the ordinary meeting of the Architects and Engineers Association in Hanover on May 1, 1872.

Bühring built his buildings partly in the neo-renaissance style . In addition, he worked as an expert , as a sworn appraiser for fire insurance , for example - according to the address book, city and business manual of the royal residence city of Hanover and the city of Linden from 1910 - at his address Eichstrasse 16 for the Landschaftliche Brandkasse .

Bühring died during the Weimar Republic on October 17, 1928 in Hanover.

Works (if known)

  • 1881, Hanover: Extension for the elephant house in what was then the zoological garden (today's address Adenauerallee 3); not received
  • 1890–1891, Hanover:
    • various residential buildings in Feldstrasse and Eichstrasse
    • Karmarschstrasse 46 (former and present address), residential and commercial building; well preserved
  • around 1896, Hanover: Fundstrasse 1a residential building (former and present address); not received


Individual evidence

  1. a b c o.V. : Bühring, Ernst Friedrich August Konrad in the database of Niedersächsische Personen (new entry required) of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library [undated], last accessed on July 5, 2017
  2. a b Herbert Mundhenke (arrangement): The matriculation of the Höhere Gewerbeschule, the Polytechnische Schule and the Technische Hochschule zu Hanover , Vol. 1: 1831–1881 (= publications of the Historical Commission for Lower Saxony and Bremen , Series 9: Dept. 6), Hannover: Hahnsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1988, ISBN 978-3-7848-2121-4 and ISBN 3-7848-2121-9 , p. 135; Preview over google books
  3. Adolf Tellkampf: The higher citizens' school in Hanover described after ten years of existence by the director of the same, Prof. Dr. A. Tellkampf. Helwing'sche Hofbuchhandlung, Hanover 1845, p. 136; Preview over google books
  4. a b c d e f g h i Reinhard Glaß: Ludolff, Ferdinand Friedrich Heinrich in the database architects and artists with direct reference to Conrad Wilhelm Hase (1818–1902) [undated], last accessed on July 4, 2017
  5. ^ Corps Saxonia Hannover (Ed.): History of the Corps Saxonia from 50th to 100th. Years of existence . Alois Wolpers printer, Hanover 1955, p. 127 .
  6. ^ Journal of the Architects and Engineers Association of Hanover , Vol. 18, p. 487; Digitized via Google books
  7. Ibid., Division 1, p. 79; Digitized version of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library
  8. Helmut Knocke , Hugo Thielen : Karmarschstraße , in Dirk Böttcher , Klaus Mlynek (ed.): Hannover. Art and Culture Lexicon (HKuKL), new edition, 4th, updated and expanded edition, Springe: zu Klampen, 2007, ISBN 978-3-934920-53-8 , pp. 155f.