Ernst Cregel

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Ernst Cregel

Ernst Cregel , also Gregel , Kregel , Ernestus Cregelius (born January 24, 1628 in Uelzen , † July 16, 1674 in Altdorf ) was a German lawyer.


Ernst Cregel was a son of the superintendent in Uelzen Heino Cregel (1594–1663). He attended school in Uelzen and the Katharineum in Lübeck ; from March 1648 he first studied Protestant theology at the University of Rostock . He lived with his brother-in-law, Professor August Varenius . In Rostock he inscribed himself in Heinrich Russell's surviving register . Since his father had lost his fortune and his theological library in the Uelzen city fire in 1646, Ernst Cregel turned to law. In 1650 he was respondent to a disputation chaired by Heinrich Rahn . He continued his studies at the University of Leipzig and from 1651 at the University of Altdorf , especially with Wilhelm Ludwell (1598–1663).

In Altdorf he was promoted to Dr. jur. PhD. In 1657 he became the first holder of the newly established chair for public law ( Ius publicum ). He has presided over a large number of disputations and dissertations. He also worked as a council consultant for the council of the Imperial City of Nuremberg .

Since December 11, 1654 he was married to Margarete, geb. Kobe, the widow of the Nuremberg patrician Hieronymus Anton Welser (1617–1647).


  • Cregel (Ernestus) . In: Christian Gottlieb Jöcher : General learned lexicon. Leipzig 1750, p. 2183
  • Cregel (serious) . In: Heinrich Wilhelm Rotermund : The learned Hanover, or lexicon of writers who have lived in the Kingdom of Hanover since the Reformation, Volume 1, Bremen: Schünemann 1823, p. 109 f. (with list of scriptures)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal
  2. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal
  3. ^ Disputatio Iuridica De Legibus. Rostock: Kilius 1650 ( digitized , Rostock University Library)
  4. See the entries in VD17