Ernst Gramß

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Ernst Gramß (also: Gramss written) (* December 17, 1899 in Augsburg , † after June 1946 , declared dead by the Goslar District Court on June 19, 1956) was a German Nazi agricultural functionary. Among other things, he was the chief of staff in the Reich Main Department at the Reichsbauernführer Walther Darré in Berlin.

Life path

Announcement of the internment of 50 Polish farmers in the Treblinka labor camp , in German and Polish, on October 23, 1941, by the district chief in Sokołów Podlaski , Erich Gramß

Ernst Gramß was born in Augsburg in 1899 as the son of a senior engineer. He attended a Protestant high school . Towards the end of the First World War , on June 24, 1918, the then 19-year-old Gramß joined the German Army , of which he was a member until February 17, 1919. He then worked in various farms for about five years.

Gramß joined the NSDAP as early as 1923 ( membership number 26,526) and took part in the failed Hitler putsch in the same year as a member of the Augsburg battalion ("March on the Feldherrenhalle"). He was a holder of the blood order and the golden party badge of the NSDAP . After the ban on the NSDAP as a result of this attempted coup on November 23, 1923 and its re-establishment in February 1925, Gramß rejoined the NSDAP on July 1, 1928 (membership number 93.366). In 1928 he also joined the SA and became a storm leader there. Gramß was a member of the SA from October 1, 1928 to April 14, 1934; At the time of the so-called Röhm Putsch , he was no longer a member of the SA.

From the winter semester of 1923 Gramß studied at the Agricultural University of Freising-Weihenstephan ; he completed his studies in 1926/1927 as a qualified farmer . In 1925 Gramß was involved in the founding of the National Socialist German Student Union (NSStB).

From 1927 to 1933 he worked as an experimental technician and plant breeder on an experimental farm of the Society for Hop Research. From 1928 he was also involved as a so-called peasant speaker, thus making propaganda for National Socialism in the rural population.

After the National Socialist " seizure of power ", Gramß became a specialist in the Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm council on August 1, 1933 , and on January 1, 1934, head of the State Department I at the Bavarian State Farmers' Union. On April 8, 1935, Gramß became head of the Reich Main Department in the Reichsnährstand (RNSt) in Berlin, on December 4, 1935 a full member of the " German Reichsbauernrat ", on February 1, 1937 head of the Reichsnährstand school for peasant leaders in Goslar . He was responsible for the ideological and agricultural policy training of the higher farmer leader corps in Goslar. On June 4, 1938, Gramß was promoted to the Reich Agricultural Council (RLR).

From April 14, 1934, Gramß was a member of the SS as Untersturmführer (SS membership number: 202.124). From the same year on, he worked as a high school supervisor in SS Section I (Munich). On May 14, 1936 he was promoted to SS-Obersturmführer. In 1937/38 he worked in the Race and Settlement Main Office (RuSHA), and on January 30, 1937 he was finally promoted to SS-Hauptsturmführer. On April 20, 1940, he achieved his highest rank in the SS with his promotion to SS-Sturmbannführer.

After the beginning of the Second World War , Gramß was from November 30, 1939 to May 6, 1940 head of the department for food supply and agriculture in the Warsaw district (his successor there was Georg Wenderoth). In May 1940 he was commissioner of the Polish Chamber of Agriculture in Cracow . From June 1940 to July 1944, Gramß was Kreishauptmann (District Mayor) in Sokołów Podlaski , as the successor to District Administrator Friedrich Schultz (term of office: November 11, 1939 to early June 1940).

As the district chief of Sokołów, he operated the resettlement of Jews in the "Jewish residential district of Kossow" in November 1942. Gramß ordered the destruction of the largest Jewish cemetery in Sokołów Podlaski. The establishment of the Treblinka labor camp (Treblinka I) went back to his initiative; he wanted to secure the extraction of gravel for road construction. Gramß was involved in the liquidation of the ghetto in Sokołów Podlaski and in the killing of the Jews living there. Gramß had a Polish village burned down completely after it had not fulfilled the tax obligation imposed on it by Gramß. 22 farms including cattle and inventory fell victim to the fire, 200 people became homeless. In addition, Gramss imposed very heavy fines on the villages and communities in his district if they did not provide him with enough slave labor. An attack by the Polish resistance on District Chief Gramß on May 27, 1943 in Sokołów Podlaski failed.

From August 1944 Gramß was deployed in the war.

He was taken prisoner by the US and was interned in June / July 1945 in the former VII A main camp in Moosburg an der Isar , which the American armed forces called “Civilian Internment Camp No. 6 ”was performed. German civilians were interned there and were supposed to be held accountable for their activities under National Socialism. In mid-July 1946, Gramß was removed from CIC No. 6 kidnapped and has been missing since then.

On June 19, 1956, Ernst Gramß was declared dead by the Goslar District Court.


  • Markus Roth, "Herrenmenschen: the German district chiefs in occupied Poland: career paths, rule practice and post-history", Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen 2009, 556 pages

Individual proof

  1. Markus Roth, Herrenmenschen: The German district chiefs in occupied Poland. Career paths, rulership practice and post-history, Wallstein-Verlag, Göttingen 2013, p. 476,
  2. Hans-Christian Harten, ideological training of the SS and the police in National Socialism: compilation of personal data, PeDocs 2017, 531 S., p. 54, .pdf
  3. ^ Markus Roth, Herrenmenschen - the German district chiefs in occupied Poland. Career paths, rule practice and post-history, Wallstein-Verlag, Göttingen 2009,
  4. Markus Roth, Herrenmenschen: The German district chiefs in occupied Poland. Career paths, rulership practice and post-history, Wallstein-Verlag, Göttingen 2013, p. 476,
  5. Markus Roth, Herrenmenschen: The German district chiefs in occupied Poland. Career paths, rulership practice and post-history, Wallstein-Verlag, Göttingen 2013, p. 476,
  6. Markus Roth, Herrenmenschen: The German district chiefs in occupied Poland. Career paths, rulership practice and post-history, Wallstein-Verlag, Göttingen 2013, p. 476,
  7. ^ Jewish Sokolow Podlaski, Jewish history of Sokolow Podlaski, August 31, 2011,
  8. Hans-Christian Harten, ideological training of the SS and the police in National Socialism: compilation of personal data, PeDocs 2017, 531 S., p. 54, .pdf
  9. Hans-Christian Harten, ideological training of the SS and the police in National Socialism: compilation of personal data, PeDocs 2017, 531 S., p. 54, .pdf
  10. Waldemar Sadaj [Scypion], seniority lists of the SS,
  11. ^ Markus Roth, Herrenmenschen - the German district chiefs in occupied Poland. Career paths, rule practice and post-history, Wallstein-Verlag, Göttingen 2009,
  12. ^ Jewish Sokolow Podlaski, Jewish history of Sokolow Podlaski, "Ernst Gramss", August 31, 2011,
  13. Markus Roth, Herrenmenschen: The German district chiefs in occupied Poland. Career paths, rulership practice and post-history, Wallstein-Verlag, Göttingen 2013, p. 476,
  14. Markus Roth, Herrenmenschen: The German district chiefs in occupied Poland. Career paths, rulership practice and post-history, Wallstein-Verlag, Göttingen 2013, p. 476,
  15. Markus Roth, Herrenmenschen: The German district chiefs in occupied Poland. Career paths, rulership practice and post-history, Wallstein-Verlag, Göttingen 2013, p. 476,
  16. Hans-Christian Harten, ideological training of the SS and the police in National Socialism: compilation of personal data, PeDocs 2017, 531 S., p. 54, .pdf
  17. Klaus-Peter Friedrich (ed.), “The persecution and murder of European Jews by National Socialist Germany 1933–1945”, Volume 4: “Poland September 1939 - July 1941”, Walter de Gruyter, December 2011, 752 pages, p . 543, Doc. 248, March 3, 1941, there fn. 2, p. 543,
  18. Waldemar Sadaj [Scypion], seniority lists of the SS, Sa: Jewish Sokolow Podlaski, Jewish history of Sokolow Podlaski, “Dienstlaufbahn des Gramss, Ernst “(Facsimile),
  19. ^ Jewish Sokolow Podlaski, Jewish history of Sokolow Podlaski, "Dienstlaufbahn des Gramss, Ernst" (facsimile), Sa: Waldemar Sadaj [Scypion], lists of seniority the SS,
  20. ^ Jewish Sokolow Podlaski, Jewish history of Sokolow Podlaski, "Ernst Gramss", August 31, 2011,
  21. ^ Markus Roth, Herrenmenschen - the German district chiefs in occupied Poland. Career paths, rule practice and post-history, Wallstein-Verlag, Göttingen 2009,
  22. Markus Roth, Herrenmenschen: The German district chiefs in occupied Poland. Career paths, rulership practice and post-history, Wallstein-Verlag, Göttingen 2013, p. 476,
  23. Holocaust Historical Society, "Sokołów Podlaski",
  24. Document VEJ 9/175 in: Klaus-Peter Friedrich (edit.): The persecution and murder of European Jews by National Socialist Germany 1933–1945 (source collection), Volume 9: Poland: Generalgouvernement August 1941–1945 , Munich 2013, ISBN 978-3-486-71530-9 , p. 517.
  25. Holocaust Historical Society, "Sokołów Podlaski",
  26. ^ Markus Roth, Herrenmenschen - the German district chiefs in occupied Poland. Career paths, rule practice and post-history, Wallstein-Verlag, Göttingen 2009,
  27. Holocaust Historical Society, "Sokołów Podlaski",
  28. ^ Markus Roth, Herrenmenschen - the German district chiefs in occupied Poland. Career paths, rule practice and post-history, Wallstein-Verlag, Göttingen 2009,
  29. ^ Markus Roth, Herrenmenschen - the German district chiefs in occupied Poland. Career paths , rule practice and post-history, Wallstein-Verlag, Göttingen 2009, Sa: Alicja Gontarek, The military action of the Home Army during the rebellion in the camp of Treblinka II in August 1943 - a pre-research survey, in: Totalitarian and 20th Century Studies, Instytut Pileckiego, Vol. 3, 2019, pp. 266-319, p. 274, fn. 19,
  30. Source: Jewish Sokolow Podlaski, Jewish history of Sokolow Podlaski, "Ernst Gramss", August 31, 2011,
  31. Markus Roth, Herrenmenschen: The German district chiefs in occupied Poland. Career paths, rulership practice and post-history, Wallstein-Verlag, Göttingen 2013, p. 476,
  32. Markus Roth, Herrenmenschen: The German district chiefs in occupied Poland. Career paths, rulership practice and post-history, Wallstein-Verlag, Göttingen 2013, p. 476,