Ernst Wilhelm Hempel

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Ernst Wilhelm Hempel (* 1745 in Altenhain ; † April 12, 1799 in Leipzig ) was a German Protestant theologian.


Ernst Wilhelm was the son of the preacher Johann Daniel Hempel († 1752), who later became pastor in Gröbern . After the early death of his father, he received lessons from private tutors and was a student at the Thomas School in Leipzig in 1762 . He began his studies at the University of Leipzig , where he obtained the academic degree of master's degree in philosophy in 1768 . As a result he held lectures, became Vespers preacher at the Pauline Church in Leipzig in 1769 , became a baccalaurus in theology and early preacher at the university church. As one of the most accomplished teachers of the Hebrew language , he became an associate professor of philosophy in 1776. In 1777 he went on a one-year educational trip to England .

In 1784 he became a member of the Small Princely College in Leipzig. In 1787 he received his doctorate in theology. In the same year he became the fourth full professor in the theological faculty. In 1772 he became a senior of the Meissnian Nation and in 1793 advanced to the third professorship of theology. In connection with this he took over the position of canon in Zeitz and the second theological ephorate of the electoral scholarship holders. Hempel had also taken part in the organizational tasks of the Leipzig University and was rector of the Alma Mater in the winter semester of 1793 .


  • Cuinam SS. Triuitatis personae, primae an secundae, promulgalio legis praecipue tribuenda sit, ad explicanda quaedam Scr. S. loea. Leipzig 1771
  • Diss. De bonae voluntatis ad veritatem recte cognoscendam necessitatep. Leipzig 1771
  • De sapientia Dei, quae e multiplici hominum coujunctione, per conjugia in primis oriunda, apparet. Leipzig 1773
  • Prima linguae Ebraeae elementa, una cum doctrina de accentibus. Leipzig 1776
  • Denuo edidit, et brevem institutionem ad linguam Chaldaicam adjecit. Leipzig 1789
  • Progr. De prima indole telluris, ad explicandum locum Gen. I, 2nd Leipzig 1776
  • Brief and faithful description of the Kennicotian Bible edition. Leipzig 1777
  • vera significatione vocabuli semen, ubi de prole Abrahami et Davidis nec non mulieris Gen. III. 15. dicitur, ad explicandas illas promissiones PI de prole Abrahami. Leipzig 1787 Part. II. De prole Davidis. Leipzig 1787, Part. III. s. Progr. De prole Mulieris. Leipzig 1787
  • De docilitate ad audieudum verbum Dei perquam commendabili, maxime in theologo. Oratio. Leipzig 1787
  • Progr. De Deo invisibili. Pars I et II. Leipzig 1790, Pars III -V. Leipzig 1791
  • Progr. De loco Galat. III. 20. Leipzig 1792
  • Progr. I - IV: Fidem litteris sacris habendam rationi convenienter postulari. Leipzig 1794


  • Heinrich Döring: The learned theologians of Germany in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Verlag Johann Karl Gottfried Wagner, Neustadt an der Orla, 1831, 1st volume, p. 679 ( online )
  • Johann Georg Meusel : Lexicon of the German writers who died from 1750 to 1800. Gerhard Fleischer d. J., Leipzig, 1805, 5th volume, p. 354 ( online )