Erwein Nostitz-Rieneck

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Erwein Nostitz-Rieneck (born May 20, 1863 in Mieschitz , Bohemia ; † November 3, 1931 in Vienna ; born as Erwein Felix Maria, Count von Nostitz-Rieneck ) was a Bohemian-Austrian industrialist and politician.


Erwein Nostitz-Rieneck, member of the Austrian aristocratic family Nostitz , was born as the son of Count Friedrich von Nostitz-Rieneck (1835–1866) and Theresia, née. Countess of Thun and Hohenstein (1837–1908) born.

When he came of age, he took over the management of his estates such as Mieschitz Castle . In Rothau he built a steelworks in which in 1907 1,000 employees were employed.

From 1891 Nostitz was a hereditary member of the manor house of the Vienna Imperial Council and became one of the most important representatives of the liberal-centralist, constitution-loyal large estates . 1901-13 he represented the Bohemian state party as deputy party chairman and as club chairman in the Bohemian state parliament . His attempts to resolve the German-Czech settlement negotiations in Bohemia through mediation and reconciliation were unsuccessful. This showed the meanwhile extremely limited possibilities of influence of the conservative noble representatives like Nostitz on the radical national leaders of the bourgeoisie. For his willingness to compromise, he was criticized by party colleagues such as Ottokar Czernin for being fickle in his convictions. From 1904 to 1917 he was a member, mostly also chairman of the committee for Bosnia and Herzegovina .

He played an important role in domestic politics during the First World War, together with his party friends Joseph Maria Baernreither and Max Egon zu Fürstenberg several times for ministerial offices . During the war he was President of the Red Cross of Bohemia and head of voluntary nursing. After the war he was elected President of the large German landowners in Czechoslovakia .


He married Amalia von Podstatzky-Liechtenstein (1867–1956), the couple had four children:

  • Therese Gabrielle Marie Cyrilla Methodia Amalia (1892–1963), married Johann Nepomuk Wilczek (1884–1968) in 1912
  • Friedrich (1893–1973), married Sophie Hohenberg (1901–1990) in 1920
  • Erwein Leopold Maria Alexius (1898–1952), married Gertruda Maria von Borkenau (1907–1995) in 1934
  • Franziska Ida Mena (1902–1961), married Karl Egon Prince zu Fürstenberg (1891–1973) in 1921 , the son of his party friend


Individual evidence

  1. Memoirs of the city Sokolov. Volume 2, Michael Pelleter, Tachau 1882, p. 166.
  2. ^ A b c Ernst Rutkowski: Letters and documents on the history of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy . Volume 1: The Constitutionally Loyal Large Estate 1880–1899 . Verlag Oldenbourg, Munich 1983, ISBN 3-486-51831-3 , p. 16 f. and 32 f.
  3. a b c Harry SlapnickaNostitz-Rieneck Erwein Felix Maria Graf von. In: Austrian Biographical Lexicon 1815–1950 (ÖBL). Volume 7, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna 1978, ISBN 3-7001-0187-2 , p. 155 f. (Direct links on p. 155 , p. 156 ).
  4. ^ Jörg K. Hoensch : History of Bohemia. From the Slavic conquest to the present. Beck, Munich 1997, ISBN 3-406-41694-2 , p. 404.
  5. Family tree on