Erwin Hentschel (zoologist)

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Erwin J. Hentschel (* 1934 in Nieder-Mohrau , Czechoslovakia ) is a German biologist , zoologist , conservationist and university lecturer who became known as a bee professor .


E. Hentschel began studying botany and zoology at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (1953–1956, Vordiplom) and continued it at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena in zoology, physiology , hydrobiology and history of biology and Medicine continued until graduation (1956–1959, diploma). This was followed by a study of human anatomy (1961–1963), the doctorate to become Dr. rer. nat. (1964), the Facultas docendi for animal physiology (1970), the habilitation (1980) and the appointment as full professor for "special and applied zoology" at the University of Greifswald (1988). From 1989 to 1997, when he returned to the Alma mater Jenensis, he set up the " Apidology and Applied Zoology" at the Institute for Nutritional Sciences at Am Steiger 3.

Research topics

His research topics include cardiac physiology in crustaceans ( daphnids ) and insects , peptide neurosecretion in Artemia salina , Chirocephalus grubei and Argulus foliaceus , the peptide-amine interaction of gonadotropin secretion and ovulation in Periplaneta americana and Blaberus craniifer as well as studies on pain behavior in insects.

With the establishment of the bee institute, August Ludwig (1867–1951) carried out environmental analysis studies with the honey bee Apis mellifera in the former uranium mine in Ronneburg / Thür. (Radionuclide diagnostics, together with the University of Marburg ) and in the former brown coal tar area near Rositz / Thür. (Diagnosis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ) carried out. Next under were foulbrood studies in Apis mellifera with larvae Paenibacillus subspec. larvae, in cooperation with U. Gräfe / Hans-Knöll-Institut (HKI), the antibiotic apidiothricin isolated and structurally elucidated.

Writings and works (selection)

  • Erwin Hentschel: Neurosecretion and neurohemal organ in Chirocephalus grubei Dybowsci and Artemia salina L. (Anostraca, Crustacea). Z. wiss. Zoologie 171, 44-79, 1965
  • Erwin Hentschel: Investigation in catecholamine integrated influence on reproduction in Periplaneta americana . 28 th Conference of Physiological Sciences. Budapest 1980, Pergamon Press and Akadémai Kiadó
  • Erwin Hentschel: Occurence and function of biogenic amines (5-hydroxytryptamine, dopamine, noradrenaline, octopamine) in invertebrates. Bibliography. 12 Op. University Press Jena, 1986/1987
  • Erwin Hentschel: Occurrence and function of biogenetic amines in invertebrates. 14 th Conference in Comparative Endocrinologists. Univ. Salzburg, September 4, 1988, Congress Paper, Plenary Lectures
  • E. Hentschel, K. Keil, H. Penzlin, B. Sallen: Determination of acetylcholinesterase activities in the brain and retrocerebral complex of juvenile and reproduction females of Periplaneta americana L. (Hexapoda, Invertebra). Zool. Jb. Physiol. 93, 61-65, 1989
  • E. Hentschel, M. Helbig, U. Horn, D. Molzahn: The honey bee as bioindicator for radionuclide pollution in the uranium mining area of ​​Thuringia. Vhdl. Zool. Ges. 1994, 327, 87
  • E. Hentschel, Graefe, T. Neumann, R. Reiche: Apidiothricin - a new chlorothricintype antibiotic from Paenibacillus larvae , the cause if American foulbrood. Apidologie 27, 177-179, 1997
  • Erwin Hentschel: Structure and research profile of the Bee Institute of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Rudolstädter nat. hist. Schr. 12, 25-50, 2004
  • Erwin Hentschel: The university bee pasture garden - a listed gem of the University of Jena. Publish Museum Gera, Naturw. Series, H. 33/34, 213-223, 2006/2007
  • Erwin Hentschel: Dr. phil. hc Georg Ferdinand Gerstung, pastor and practical beekeeper. Festschrift Azmenstat 956/2006, Oßmannstedt, 5, 72–79, 2006
  • Erwin Hentschel, Günther Wagner: Animal names and zoological terms taking into account general biological, anatomical and physiological terms , Jena, VEB Fischer, 1976.
  • Erwin Hentschel, Günther Wagner (agricultural scientist) : Dictionary of zoology. Animal names, general biological, anatomical, physiological, ecological terms and short biographies, with an introduction to the terminology and nomenclature, a list of the author's names and an overview of the system of the animal kingdom , 7th edition, Munich, Heidelberg 2004.
  • Prof. August Ludwig and Dr. hc Ferdinand Gerstung . Two Thuringian bee pastors and their gardens , in: Publications of the Natural History Museum Erfurt, Volume 24 (2005), pp. 55–65.
  • Erwin Hentschel (Edit.): 1st and 2nd Jena Bee Research Symposium. Proceedings of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. 1992 (1–157 p.), 1993 (1–157 p.)


  • Election as Councilor of the "European Soziety for Comparative Endocrinology, Representative for West and East Germany in Salzburg / Austria on the 14 th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, 4 to 9 September 1988th
  • Appointment to the expert group of the world association APIMONDIA / Section Bee Biology 1993 in Beijing.
  • Presentation of a facade prize in 1993 by the university city of Jena for the successful development of the apidology of the Alma mater Jenensis at Am Steiger 3.
  • As an honored conservationist, Erwin Hentschel was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on November 22, 1999 in the town hall of Jena at the suggestion of Thuringian Prime Minister Bernhard Vogel .


  • Heinz Penzlin, Gustav-Adolf Böhm: History of zoology in Jena according to Haeckel (1909-1974) , 1994, p. 131.

Individual evidence

  1. Apidology. Accessed November 27, 2017 (German).
  2. Honey bees as sniffer dogs for radioactive pollutants of August 6, 1998. Retrieved on April 12, 2017
  3. ^ T. Neumann, R. Reiche, EJ Hentschel, U. Gräfe: Apidiothricin, a new macrolide antibiotic from Paenibacillus larvae subsp larvae, the causative agent of the American foulbrood (AFB). Apidologie, Springer Verlag, 1997, 28 (3-4), pp.177-179, 1997, accessed on November 28, 2017 (English).
  4. N. Dean Pentcheff: Detailed Reference Information. Retrieved November 27, 2017 (American English).
  5. ^ Gilles RATIA: Scientific Commission Biology. Retrieved November 26, 2017 (UK English).
  6. Jena Facade Prize 1993-2002 . 2003 ( [accessed on November 26, 2017]).
  7. ^ Federal Cross of Merit to Jena biologists will be presented on November 22nd