Estudios Franciscanos

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Estudis Franciscans or Estudios Franciscanos (Franciscan Studies), is a journal on ecclesiastical and Franciscan studies founded by the Capuchin Miquel d'Esplugues in 1907 . It ceasedto be published in 1936 , but was reissued from 1948 . Nowadays it is a science magazine from all the Capuchin provinces of Spain and Portugal . She publishes articles in all languages ​​spoken on the Iberian Peninsula .

This magazine was founded in Catalonia . It is now the main research and science magazine of the provinces of the Iberian Capuchin Conference ( Conferencia Ibérica Capuchina (CIC) in Spanish). The CIC owns the magazine, but the headquarters are in Catalonia.

History, name and frequency

The magazine was founded in 1907 with the name of Revista de Estudios Franciscanos (1907-11). Since then it has had different names: Estudios Franciscanos (1912-22), Estudis Franciscans (1923-36) and again Estudios Franciscanos (since 1947). A few special volumes have been published separately: Homenaje al cardenal Vives y Tutó (Homage to Cardinal Cardinal Vives y Tutó) (1913), Miscel lània tomista (Thomist anthology) (1924), Franciscàlia (1928), and Miscel lània lul · Liana (Lullist anthology) (1935). The collection contains a total of more than seventy-four volumes.

The magazine initially had a monthly frequency of 1907 . In 1927 it was quarterly, and in 1947 , it was four months. Nowadays it appears twice a year: (January – August; September – December), and it has about 450 pages at the end of the year (150 each issue). Exceptionally, a single annual edition can be postponed.

Among the most important employees, the following can be highlighted: Miquel d'Esplugues (founder and first director), Antoni M. de Barcelona, ​​Andreu de Palma de Mallorca, Francesc de Barbens, Modest de Mieras, Ambrós de Saldes, Basili de Rubí , Nolasc del Molar , Martí de Barcelona , Samuel d'Algaida, Marc de Castellví, Pere M. Bordoy i Torrents.


These are the main goals of the magazine:

Guidelines, structure and languages

The guidelines of the scientific works that are published are basically two:

  • Studies must be written by Capuchins. In particular, they should deal with topics related to church science;
  • Studies are said to have to do with Franciscan and Capuchin thought and life, although they are written by people who are neither Franciscans nor Capuchins.

The magazine has the following sections:

  • Research studies
  • Notes and comments
  • Reviews
  • Received books

The magazine is published in the languages ​​of the Iberian Capuchin Conference (CIC). Articles written in major languages ​​are acceptable, but in this case a summary in Spanish must be attached.

Individual evidence

  1. Data from Estudios Franciscanos ( Memento of the original from October 22, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. within the information system of the databases of the CSIC (Spanish). @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. a b c d e f rule of the magazine (Catalan).
  3. On the occasion of the centenary, Valentí Serra de Manresa wrote an article about it, which was published in the magazine itself: Valentí Serra de Manresa: Un segle d'aportacions al franciscanisme de la revista Estudios Franciscanos (1907-2007). EF 109 (2008). 225-254 (Catalan).
  4. Article in the great Catalan encyclopedia (Catalan).
  5. ^ Josep Perarnau : L'obra col·lectiva d'una gran generació catalana (1919–1936). In: Centenari de Carles Cardó, Lluís Carreras, Joan Bta. Manyà. RCatT IX / 2, 1984, pp. 479-490 (Catalan).

Web links