Eu Me Lembro

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Original title Eu Me Lembro
Country of production Brazil
original language Brazilian Portuguese
Publishing year 2005
length 108 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Edgar Navarro
script Edgar Navarro
production Sylvia Abreu , Moisés Augusto
music Tuzé de Abreu , Edgar Navarro
camera Hamilton Oliveira
cut Jefferson Cysneiros , Edgar Navarro

Eu Me Lembro (“I remember”) is the first Brazilian drama by director Edgar Navarro that was shown at the end of 2005 . The coming-of-age film won six Candango trophies at the 2005 Brasília Film Festival.


The theme of the film is Guiga's childhood and youth. Guiga comes from a Catholic middle-class family from Salvador da Bahia ; he grew up in the 1950s and 60s, the sexual revolution and the Brazilian military dictatorship. The film also deals with the advent of hallucinogenic drugs, Guiga's first love and his self-discovery process.


The story of the film is a fictional autobiography by director Navarro; four young actors of different ages played the main role of Guiga. Work on the film began in 2001 and ended in 2005.

The film was directed by Truque Produtora de Cinema as 35mm - color film with some short black and white sequences and Dolby Digital produces. The film project was supported by the government of Bahia, the Brazilian Ministry of Culture and Acine .

The film was shown for the first time at the Festival de Brasília do Cinema Brasileiro on December 1, 2005 and went into general distribution in Brazil on September 29, 2006.


Dennis Harvey describes the film as consisting of two parts: a first nostalgic and a second with flashbacks in a drug frenzy. Nevertheless, the film is skilfully and tastefully produced.

Nelson Hoineff praised the work of the producers and the camera, but the film itself contained no innovations and had serious deficiencies in the interpretation. The open portrayal of childish sexuality caused controversy.


Festival de Brasília do Cinema Brasileiro 2005

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ( Memento of May 28, 2012 in the Internet Archive ): I Remember. Eu Me Lembro (English)
  2. : O Fellini baiano (Portuguese)
  3. cf. A Tale of two Brazilians (English)