Eudora (ship)

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Eudora p1
Ship data
flag German EmpireThe German Imperium German Empire
Ship type Barque
Owner Partner shipping company Elsfleth
Shipyard Johann Ahlers , Elsfleth
Launch 1874
Whereabouts lost
Ship dimensions and crew
40.10 m ( Lüa )
width 8.10 m
Draft Max. 4.90 m
displacement 495 register tons

The Eudora was a German barque that went missing on its maiden voyage in 1874.

The ship was delivered in May 1874 by the shipyard Johann Ahlers in Elsfleth to the partner shipping company Elsfleth, here the co-owner and correspondent shipowner JH Becker. With a length of 40.1 m, width of 8.1 m and a draft of 4.9 m, the ship was measured at 495 register tons.

On May 11, 1874, the Eudora ran from the Weser to Cardiff under Captain Emil Christian Leopold Martin Oeltermann to load coal there. The voyage continued to Bangkok , since the departure from there for Hong Kong on December 11th, there has been no further news from the freighter.

Another ship named Eudora

The British four-masted barque Eudora made a voyage from the English Channel to the west coast of South America in 57.5 days in 1903/04, a time that was only beaten by the five-masted full-length ship Prussia in 1903.


  • Peter-Michael Pawlik: From the Weser into the world. Volume II: The history of the sailing ships from Weser and Hunte and their shipyards from 1790 to 1926. Elsfleth - Brake - Oldenburg , Bremen 2003, p. 97 ( ISBN 3-89757-150-1 ).

Individual evidence

  1. Information about the saltpeter trip