Eugen Amreich

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Grave of Gerhard Schobinger and Eugen Amreich at the Rein-Eisbach Abbey cemetery

Eugen Amreich OCist (born October 15, 1859 in Übelbach , Austrian Empire as Hubert Amreich ; † February 28, 1940 in Judendorf-Straßengel , Austria ) was an Austrian clergyman and the 50th abbot of the Rein Cistercian monastery in Styria .


Eugen Amreich was born on October 15, 1859 in the village of Übelbach, a few kilometers northwest of Graz , and baptized with the name Hubert. In 1878 he entered the Rein Abbey, where he was given the religious name Eugen. He made his profession in 1882 and was ordained a priest that same year . Subsequently, he was also pastor in his hometown Übelbach and was as such in office, when he voted on November 7, 1912 abbot of Rein and on December 30, 1912 Vicar General Theobald Grasböck from Wilhering benediziert was.

This was preceded in 1909 by the resignation of the previous abbot, Franz Sales Bauer , whereupon the monastery was run by Prior regens Ernst Kortschak for three years before an abbot was elected. Since Amreich was only a compromise candidate, he did not emerge as a great innovator, but nevertheless brought a few improvements. Although he tried unsuccessfully for the economic situation of the monastery, modernization work was carried out under his leadership. Electric light was installed in the monastery and at this time, Straßengel was given its own cemetery. Amreich also earned merit as chairman of the economic board of trustees for the establishment of lung sanatoriums in Styria (see, among others, the Enzenbach lung sanatorium and the Hörgas regional hospital in the Hörgas cadastral community).

After Prince-Bishop Ferdinand Stanislaus Pawlikowski von Seckau held him responsible for the bad spirit in the Rein monastery, he was urged to resign in 1931, after around 20 years in office. He then retired to Maria Straßengel , where he died on February 28, 1940 at the age of 80. His successor as abbot of Rein Abbey was Ernst Kortschak , who remained in office until 1945 before he also had to resign.

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predecessor Office successor
Franz Sales farmer Abbot of Rein Abbey
Ernst Korchak