Eugen Bernoulli

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Eugen Bernoulli-Hirzel (1882–1983) Dr.  med., Prof. Pharmacology, Bernoulli-Hirzel-Bruckner-Schlatter family grave at Wolfgottesacker cemetery, Basel.
Family grave in the Wolfgottesacker cemetery , Basel .

Eugen Bernoulli (born January 31, 1882 in Basel ; † February 25, 1983 ibid) was a Swiss pharmacologist , general practitioner and university professor .


Eugen Bernoulli, born in Basel in 1882 as the offspring of a family who immigrated from Antwerp , passed the federal high school diploma in 1900 in his hometown. He then devoted himself to the study of medicine at the University of Basel , which he in 1907 with the promotion of Dr. med. completed. After completing his medical training, Emil Bernoulli took up the position of scientific assistant to Alfred Jaquet at the Pharmacological Institute of the University of Basel in 1910 , in 1913 he received the Venia Legendi for pharmacology at the medical faculty, and in 1914 he gave his habilitation lecture as a private lecturer in medicine on the Subject: On the theory of anesthesia , he resigned in 1951. Bernoulli, who also ran a medical practice, died in 1983 at the old age of 101.

Bernoulli, in particular, as the author of multiple issued standard pharmacological plant survey of the newer drugs emerged, was in recognition of his scientific achievements in 1966, the honorary membership of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences , and in 1972 the honorary doctorate of the Medical Faculty of the University of Basel.


  • Gastrointestinal cancer in the first two decades of life, dissertation , S. Karger, Berlin, 1907
  • Studies on the effect of bromine salts: From the pharmacological institute of the University of Basel, habilitation thesis , FCW Vogel, Leipzig, 1913
  • Overview of the newer medicines, Benno Schwabe & Company, Basel, 1916
  • Overview of the newer drugs and the common specialties, 2nd revised edition, Benno Schwabe & Company, Basel, 1921
  • With Julius Thomann: Overview of common and newer medicines for doctors, pharmacists and dentists, 3rd revised edition, Benno Schwabe & Company, Basel, 1930


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