Eugen Naumann

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Eugen Naumann (born January 2, 1874 in Mikuszewo, Wreschen district , Posen province ; † September 7, 1939 murdered near Kruschwitz ) was a German politician, district administrator and member of the Polish Sejm (1922–1930).


Eugen Naumann studied law and political science at the universities of Lausanne, Freiburg i. Br. And Berlin. The doctor of law served since 1908 as district administrator of Znin (1908-1917) and district administrator in Neuhaus an der Oste (1917-1918). After the end of the war he went back to the Posen Province to his manor in Suchorencz, Schubin district . In 1919 he was held here for six months in the Polish internment camp / prison camp in Szczypiorno near Kalisch . In 1919 Naumann was elected chairman of the German People's Council in Posen. After the merger with the German People's Council in Brombergand the renaming to Deutschtumsbund to protect minority rights , Naumann was also its chairman (1921–1923) until it was banned.

From 1922 he was chairman of the German parliamentary group and a member of the Polish Sejm until 1930.

After the war began in 1939, the Polish authorities arrested Naumann. He was shot as a hostage on a deportation march shortly afterwards near Kruschwitz not far from Pakosch am Goplosee .


His grandfather of the same name, Eugen Naumann, was Lord Mayor of Poznan from 1835 to 1871 . In 1841 he was a member of the 5th Provincial Parliament of the Province of Posen as a representative of the cities .

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Individual evidence

  1. Eugen Naumann (1874–1939)
  2. ^ Albert Stefan Kotowski : Poland's policy towards its German minority 1919–1939 , p. 64.
  3. Peter Haslinger , Joachim von Puttkamer (Ed.): State, Loyalty and Minorities in East Central and Southeastern Europe 1918–1941 , p. 31.
  4. ^ Fritz Wertheimer : From German parties and party leaders abroad , Zentral-Verlag, 1927, p. 94.
  5. ^ Negotiations of the Provincial Diets in the Prussian Monarchy under the government of Sr. Majesty of King Friedrich Wilhelm the Fourth , Vol. 7. Hayn, Berlin 1848, p. 4 and p. 61 .