Eugene Pridik

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Eugen Peter Pridik ( Russian Евгений Мартынович Придик ., Scientific transliteration Evgenij Martinovič Pridik ; born November 7 . Jul / 19th August  1865 greg. In Reval ; † 3. July 1935 in Leningrad ) was a Baltic German Classical archaeologist and numismatist .

He was a son of the Russian major general Friedrich Heinrich von Wendrich , his brother was the later classical philologist and ancient historian Alexander Pridik . After attending the Gouvernements-Gymnasium in Reval from 1874 to 1882, he studied at the University of Dorpat from 1882 to 1888 and from 1888 to 1889 at the University of Berlin . In Dorpat he obtained his master's degree in 1893. From 1892 to 1894 he worked as a private tutor in Leetse / Leetz. From 1894 to 1896 he went on study trips to Greece and Italy, from 1896 to 1897 to southern Russia and the Crimea. From 1898 he worked as an assistant at the Coin Cabinet of the Hermitage in Saint Petersburg, where he was appointed curator in 1899. From 1904 to 1918 he was chief curator of the Department of Antiquities of the Hermitage, and from 1919 to 1930 he was curator of the Department of Ancient Coins. Since 1899 he was also a private lecturer at the University of Saint Petersburg for Greek Philology and Ancient History, where he was later appointed Professor of Greek and Classical Archeology.

Eugen Pridik has been a corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute since 1903 .


  • De Alexandri Magni epistularum commercio. Dorpat 1893 (= dissertation; PDF; 6.82 MB ).
  • The Roman coins. Koehler, Leipzig 1902, (Explanatory text for: Tabulae quibus antiquitates Graecae et Romanae illustrantur. Plate IIIb, ZDB -ID 2504855-7 ).
  • Мельгуновский клад 1763 года (= Материалы по археологии России. No. 31, ZDB ID 401000-0 ). Главного Управления Уделов, Санкт-Петербург 1911, (The Melgunov Treasure from 1763).
  • Два серебряных ритона из коллекции Императорского Эрмитажа. In: Записках Одесского Общества Истории и Древностей. Vol. 30, 1912, ZDB -ID 308947-2 , pp. 167-178, (two silver Rhyta from the collection of the Imperial Hermitage).
  • Инвентарный каталогъ клеймъ на аморфныхъ ручкахъ и горлышкахъ и на черепицахъ Эрмитажнаго собранiя. Российская академия наук, Петроград 1917, (inventory catalog of the stamps on the handles and necks of amphorae and on bricks from the Hermitage collection).
  • The astynomial names on amphora and brick stamps from southern Russia. In: Meeting reports of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. Philosophical-historical class. Vol. 24, 1928, ISSN  0933-8152 , pp. 342-380.

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