Eustachio Zanotti

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Eustachio Zanotti or Eustachius Zanotti (born November 27, 1709 in Bologna , † May 15, 1782 ibid) was an Italian astronomer and geometer .

Life and career

Eustachio Zanotti was the son of the poet , painter and art historian Giampietro Zanotti . His mother was Costanza M. Teresa Gambari .

Zanotti's uncle was the philosopher and professor Francesco Maria Zanotti , who taught at the University of Bologna , where Eustachio Zanotti also studied and obtained his doctorate in 1730 . He was the student and later (from around 1719) also the assistant of the astronomer Eustachio Manfredi .

From 1738 Zanotti taught mechanics at the University of Bologna and from 1760 also gave lectures on hydraulics there .

In 1739 he became director of the Bologna observatory .

Zanotti was a member of the Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences and a Fellow of the Royal Society .

Scientific achievements

Zanotti discovered two comets in the years before 1739 and later made a large number of solar and planetary observations . For example, he observed the passage of Mercury in 1753 and the passage of Venus in 1761.

From 1750 onwards, Zanotti published a catalog of stars which presented ephemeris very precisely and which Zanotti continued to add up to 1774. In addition, he has already made observations of variable stars .

In geometry , Zanotti made an important and original contribution to overcoming the problem of perspective with the treatise De perspectiva in theorema unum redacta and was thus in his time - together with geometrists such as Willem Jacob 's Gravesande , Brook Taylor , Johann Heinrich Lambert and Wenceslaus Johann Gustav Karsten - one of the protagonists of this branch of geometry.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. See information in the article Eustachio Zanotti in the Italian Wikipedia!