Fandou Béri (Tondikandia)

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Location of Fandou Béri in Niger

Fandou Béri is a village in the rural municipality of Tondikandia in Niger .

The village is located in a side valley of the Dallol Bosso , around 27 kilometers northwest of Damana , the capital of the rural municipality of Tondikandia, which belongs to the Filingué department in the Tillabéri region. The closest larger town in the Fandou Béri valley is Fandou Mayaki, about 14 kilometers further south . The place name Fandou Béri means "great way".

At the 2012 census, Fandou Béri had 3421 inhabitants living in 421 households. At the 2001 census, the population was 2,362 in 293 households, and at the 1988 census, the population was 2,065 in 309 households.

Fandou Béri is the birthplace of General Seyni Kountché , who was head of state of Niger from 1974 until his death in 1987. Kountché usually spent his summer vacation in the village and was buried here as well.

Individual evidence

  1. a b National Repertoire des Localités (ReNaLoc). (RAR) Institut National de la Statistique de la République du Niger, July 2014, p. 436 , accessed on 7 August 2015 (French).
  2. Wolfgang Neumann: Thirty Years Through Africa. Memoirs 1959–1990 . Text tape. Self-published, Bärensprung 2005, ISBN 978-3-00-015854-4 , p. 333 .
  3. ^ Répertoire National des Communes (RENACOM). (RAR file) Institut National de la Statistique, accessed November 8, 2010 (French).
  4. Recensement Général de la Population 1988: Répertoire National des Villages du Niger . Bureau Central de Recensement, Ministère du Plan, République du Niger, Niamey March 1991, p. 238 ( [PDF; accessed January 31, 2018]).
  5. ^ Sani Soulé Manzo: Une fathia pour le repos de l'âme du Général Seyni Kountché. In: Niger Diaspora. November 11, 2010, accessed April 5, 2018 (French).

Coordinates: 14 ° 2 ′  N , 2 ° 52 ′  E