Damana (Tondikandia)

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Location of Damana in Niger

Damana is the capital of the rural community of Tondikandia in Niger .

The village is on the right bank of the Dallol Bosso dry valley . The area in and around Damana, along with Fandou Mayaki, is one of the two main settlement areas of the rural community of Tondikandia, which belongs to the Filingué department in the Tillabéri region. The national road 25 runs through Damana , via which one reaches the small town of Balleyara in the Tagazar municipality after 20 kilometers to the southwest and the village of Bonkoukou in the Imanan municipality after 20 kilometers to the northeast . When driving to Balleyara, after four kilometers, national road 23 branches off towards Dogondoutchi .

In the course of taking possession of the later colony of Niger, France established a canton of Tondikandia in 1901 with its seat in Damana. The first head of the canton was the Zarma warlord Karanta. The area had not previously been politically unified. Karanta and his successors assumed the title of ruler Zarmakoye ("Lord of the Zarma"). The Zarmakoye is a Mayaki subordinated ( "warlord"), whose seat is in the village traditionally Fandou Mayaki. Damana is closely associated with the family of Seyni Kountché , who was Niger's head of state from 1974 to 1987. Amadou Kountché, a brother of Seyni Kountché, was the Zarmakoye of Damana. Damana is also the birthplace of Demba Maïnassara , the first chief of the general staff of the Nigerien armed forces .

At the 2012 census, Damana had 3,607 inhabitants who lived in 507 households. At the 2001 census, the population was 3,507 in 378 households, and at the 1988 census, the population was 3,658 in 526 households.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Amadou Kountché Djibrilla: Forum sur l'exode dans la commune rurale du Tondikandia. ONG FED, September 9, 2015, accessed on March 31, 2018 (French).
  2. Edmond Séré de Rivières: Histoire du Niger . Berger-Levrault, Paris 1965, p. 243 .
  3. A. Souley, EK Hahonou: Les associations cantonales dans le Tagazar et le Tondikandia (=  Etudes et Travaux du LASDEL . No. 24 ). LASDEL, Niamey / Parakou March 2004, p. 37–38 ( lasdel.net [PDF; accessed October 26, 2019]).
  4. ^ Curriculum vitae de feu colonel Damba Maïnassara . In: Béret vert. Bulletin de liaison des Forces armées nigériennes . 1996, p. 33 .
  5. Répertoire National des localites (ReNaLoc). (RAR) Institut National de la Statistique de la République du Niger, July 2014, p. 436 , accessed on 7 August 2015 (French).
  6. ^ Répertoire National des Communes (RENACOM). (RAR file) Institut National de la Statistique, accessed November 8, 2010 (French).
  7. Recensement Général de la Population 1988: Répertoire National des Villages du Niger . Bureau Central de Recensement, Ministère du Plan, République du Niger, Niamey March 1991, p. 238 ( web.archive.org [PDF; accessed January 31, 2018]).

Coordinates: 13 ° 54 '  N , 3 ° 5'  E