Felix Huber (musician)

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Felix Huber (born November 3, 1952 in Frick AG ) is a Swiss composer and pianist who has also emerged in modern jazz .

Live and act

Huber received piano lessons from the age of eight. During his cantonal school days he founded the first jazz rock band in the canton of Aargau , "Jigsaw". He studied at the Bern Conservatory, at the Swiss Jazz School (with Vince Benedetti ) and at the Berklee College of Music . During his studies, he toured North America. With "Jigsaw" he presented two albums in the early 1980s. With Marco Käppeli and Thomas Dürst he was a member of Beat Wenger's “.New Jazztet”. From 1985 he played in the group "Jefaster Desaster" and gave concerts in Europe. With the Polish clarinetist Witek Kornacki he formed the group "Ost-West Inspiration" in the early 1990s, which illuminates the field between Klezmer , Jazz and Classical music and is supported by other musicians such as Heiri Känzig and Rätus Flitsch. He also appears with Lucas Niggli .

Huber wrote compositions and arrangements for jazz combos , big bands, chamber ensembles, orchestras, choirs and solo instruments. As a piano soloist, he recorded his composition In Memoriam for orchestra and improvised piano with the New Zurich Orchestra . His other activities include concert activities with a focus on improvisation and teaching (piano and improvisation). The musicians Christoph and Corinne Nora Huber are his children.

Prizes and awards

In 1981 Huber won a second prize at the International Jazz Composition Competition in Monaco. He received a year of work from the canton of Solothurn , which he used to study in Boston . In 1999 it emerged from the composition project competition of the four Swiss classical music festivals Interlakner and Meiringer Musikfestwochen, as well as castle concerts in Spiez and Thun. In 2002 he received first prize in the composition competition for the opening of the Swiss national exhibition Expo.02 and in April 2003 he was a prizewinner at the IV International Prokofieff Composition Competition in Saint Petersburg. The Pro Argovia cultural foundation awarded his duo program Al Fresco with Lucas Niggli with the title “Pro Argovia Artists 2001/2002”.

Discography (selection)

  • Jigsaw: Puzzle (Bellaphon, 1981, Michael Frey, Rainer Suter, Franz Kneubühler, Roger Barman)
  • Jefaster Disaster: L'Homme Fatal ( Unit Records , 1986, with Beat Wenger, Marco Figini, Samuel Joss, Norbert Pfammatter , Willy Kotoun )
  • Felix Huber, piano solo: al fresco - pictures of no exhibition (Unit Records, 1997)
  • Mozart-Bach-Huber-Beethoven: New Zurich Orchestra, piano: Felix Huber (2000)
  • East-West Inspiration: Gallia - (TIM Company 2003)

As a composer

  • Lucerne Trumpet Ensemble: Heaven's Trumpets Vol. II (2002)
  • Quatuor Francis Poulenc (2003)

Lexigraphic entries

  • Bruno Spoerri (Hrsg.): Biographical Lexicon of Swiss Jazz CD supplement to: Spoerri, Bruno (Hrsg.): Jazz in Switzerland. History and stories . Chronos-Verlag, Zurich 2005, ISBN 3-0340-0739-6

Web links


  1. contains [email protected]
  2. contains Huber's 9 wooden miniatures