Ferdinand Grapperhaus

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Ferdinand Grapperhaus (2018)

Ferdinand Bernhard Joseph Grapperhaus (born November 8, 1959 in Amsterdam ) is a Dutch lawyer , lawyer and politician with the CDA . Since October 2017 he has been Minister for Justice and Security in the Rutte III cabinet .


From 1977 to 1984 Grapperhaus studied Dutch law at the University of Amsterdam . He obtained his doctorate in 1995 at this university under Paul van der Heijden with the thesis Werknemersconcurrentie: beperkingen aan concurrerende activiteiten van de ex-werknemer ten opzichte van zijn voormalig werkgever (freely translated: employee competition: restrictions on competing activities of the former employee compared to his former employer ) .

In 1984 Grapperhaus first started a position at the law firm Schut & Grosheide before moving to Loeff Claeys Verbeke in 1998 . Since 2000 he has been a partner for labor law at Allen & Overy in Amsterdam. As legal representative , Grapperhaus dealt primarily with matters in the field of collective labor law and co-determination as well as individual labor law matters. He also advised board members and supervisory boards on governance issues . From 2015 to 2017, as CEO of Allen & Overy, he was actively involved in shaping the CSR strategy. During this period he also taught European labor law as part-time professor at Maastricht University .

Grapperhaus was appointed Minister of Justice and Security in the third Rutte cabinet on October 26, 2017.

Secondary offices

From April 2006 to May 2015 he was a government-appointed member of the Social Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER).

He is the author of numerous publications and, among other things, editor of a specialist journal for corporate law ; from 2014 to October 2017 he wrote a weekly column for the business newspaper Het Financieele Dagblad .

In addition, Grapperhaus was a member of various supervisory boards, including the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam , the Olympic Stadium , the land registry and the broadcasting music organization Stichting Omroep Muziek.


Grapperhaus lives in Amsterdam.

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