Pipeline operating company

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Pipeline operating company
legal form Limited Liability Company (GmbH)
Seat Bonn , Germany
management Ministerialrat Horst Saal
Number of employees 321
Website www.fbg.de

The trunk mbH ( FBG ) is a majority building under federal ownership company that the German share of the NATO Pipeline systems Central Europe Pipeline System (CEPS) North European Pipeline System (NEPS) in Germany operates.

Business purpose

The federal government is the owner and operator of the military pipeline systems of NATO and the Bundeswehr in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany. As a vicarious agent of the federal government, the FBG is responsible for the implementation of tasks relating to the operation of these systems in accordance with the management contract from 1983. Among other things , it manages tank farms , high-pressure pumping stations and pipelines .


The Federal Republic of Germany, represented by the Federal Ministry of Defense (BMVg), holds 51 percent of the company's share capital , and TanQuid Betriebsführungsgesellschaft mbH holds 49 percent.

Managing directors

For CEO 's Ministerial Horst Hall ordered.

Supervisory board

The members of the supervisory board come from the BMVg, TanQuid, the Federal Ministry of Finance , the Federal Office for Infrastructure, Environmental Protection and Services of the Federal Armed Forces and the Federal Office for Equipment, Information Technology and Use of the Federal Armed Forces .


The central service is located in Bonn. The operations service is located in the former hollow barracks in Idar-Oberstein . The CEPS and NEPS installations managed by FBG in Germany include 1,765 kilometers of underground pipelines, the associated pumping stations and valve shafts, as well as 14 above-ground tank farms with 103 tanks (including 96 storage tanks and 7 buffer containers), eleven tanker loading systems and two rail tanker loading systems . These installations are used in conjunction with corresponding installations in Belgium , France , Luxembourg and the Netherlands to supply civil and military airfields with kerosene .


On average, 321 employees were employed by FBG in 2018 and 316 employees in the previous year.

The collective bargaining agreement for the public service (TVöD) with the associated implementing provisions and regulations as well as the FBG's company collective agreement, which was updated in 2015 , have been used as the basis of collective bargaining law for the FBG since October 1, 2005 . The collective agreement on performance remuneration (LeistungsTV-Bund) has been in effect since January 1, 2007.

With effect from 1 January 2002 for the coming business applicable Federal Ministry of Defense Collective Agreement on socially responsible accompanying measures related to the transformation of the Bundeswehr (TV UmBw) also for necessary structural and operational adjustments in the FBG used. Its term was extended in June 2017 to December 31, 2023. No redundancies for operational reasons are possible until December 31, 2023.

See also