Telecommunications, electrical and equipment fitter

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Telecommunications, electrical and equipment fitter (FEAM) was a recognized Swiss training occupation ( industrial electrical occupation ) that was practiced in both craft and industry. It is related to the common profession of communications equipment mechanic and electronics technician in Germany .

The FEAM is in the field of power engineering , data processing , telecommunications technology , precision mechanics and communications technology . The FEAM was able to produce HF and LF circuits as well as mechanical work with the highest precision.

Course of training

The training lasted four years in Switzerland. FEAM were trained in training companies and attended vocational school during their training .

During the first half of the apprenticeship, a broad foundation of knowledge and skills was laid in the basic training . In the center calculation were, dimensioning, constructing and sizing of electronic circuits, mainly resonant circuits, documenting the work, installation and wiring of equipment, loading and soldering of printed circuit boards as well as Commissioning and Troubleshooting. Much was also taught about precision mechanics .

In the second half of the apprenticeship, there was a focus training, depending on the training company, in high-frequency technology , or HF technology for short, and in low-frequency technology , or LF technology for short. In this training phase, the trainees deepened their knowledge and skills by learning on productive assignments and projects as well as on various test circuits.

In addition to mathematics , electronics and microelectronics were added to vocational school lessons .

If they passed the entrance exam, Swiss apprentices could attend vocational secondary school and complete it with the vocational diploma.

Career prospects

After completing the apprenticeship and after completing the apprenticeship or federal certificate of proficiency, FEAM had many opportunities for further training. Even later, the FEAM remained a wanted person because it is / was one of the few professions that is able to work in mechanics as well as in HF and LF technology.

Related professions

Related professions in Germany: