Ferreolus of Vienne

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Ferreolus of Vienne , French Saint Ferréol de Vienne († around 305 near Vienne ) was a Roman military tribune and Christian martyr who is venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church .

Life, legend and worship

Almost nothing is known about the life of Ferreolus. He is said to have served in the Roman army as a tribune in Vienne and, as a staunch Christian, was martyred there around 305 as a result of Diocletian's persecution of Christians .

Stadler's Complete Lexicon of Saints , however, tells an extensive legend: Ferreolus was a secret supporter of Christianity and was in close friendship with his subordinate, the Christian Julianus . At the beginning of the persecution of Christians in 303, Ferreolus advised him to hide in the Auvergne in order to survive. This failed, however, Julianus was brought to Brioude by the soldiers of the governor Crispinus and executed by beheading . Crispinus had his severed head handed over to Ferreolus, as he also suspected him of being a Christian. As Ferreolus refused to sacrifice to the Roman gods shortly afterwards , he was tortured and imprisoned, but after three days he miraculously escaped . After he had crossed the Rhone on his escape and had strayed two hours from Vienne, Ferreolus was finally overtaken by his pursuers, captured and led back to the city of Vienne, which he could no longer reach because his guards caught him in a fit of anger cut off the head.

According to another legend, Ferreolus died on the gallows after saving someone condemned to death by hanging by offering himself up for it.

Ferreolus was buried (probably together with Julian's head) outside the city; soon a small church was built over his grave. Bishop Mamertus von Vienne had this church replaced by a newly built basilica around the year 473/74 and transferred the remains of Ferreolus and the head of Julianus there as relics . Around 725 the basilica (unprotected outside the city walls) was given up due to the Arabs advancing into southern France and destroyed by them shortly afterwards; the bones of the saint had previously been brought to the town church of Vienne.

The feast day of Saint Ferreolus of Vienne is September 18th . He is considered the patron saint of Marseille and the prisoners; his symbols are the gallows and chains in hand.


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