Fidelio F. Finke

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Fidelio Friedrich Finke

Fidelio (Fidelis) Friedrich Finke (born October 22, 1891 in Josefsthal , Austria-Hungary , † June 12, 1968 in Dresden ) was a Bohemian-German composer .


Finke was born as the son of the teacher Josef Fidelis Finke and his wife Bertha Paulina Finke in 1891 in Josefsthal in North Bohemia and was baptized Catholic. From 1906 to 1908 he attended a teacher training college in Reichenberg . He received organ , piano and violin lessons and attended the Prague Conservatory from 1908 to 1911 , where he studied piano and composition. From 1911 he worked as a private music teacher and from 1915 as a teacher of music theory at the Prague Conservatory. In 1920 he moved to the German Academy for Music and Performing Arts in Prague and initially worked as a teacher of music theory and composition. In 1926 he became a professor there and was rector from 1927 to 1945 .

After his impeachment and expropriation as a result of the Beneš decrees and a suicide attempt in 1945, Finke was brought to Dresden by members of the Soviet occupying power via Moscow. There he was rector of the State Academy for Music and Theater until 1951 . Until 1958 he worked as a professor of composition at the Leipzig Music Academy . His oeuvre includes around 170 compositions.

During the German occupation of Czechoslovakia he composed works of National Socialist sympathy music , including the hymn O Herzland Böhmen (1942). His opportunistic application for membership in the NSDAP expired in 1942 due to political unreliability.

Fidelio F. Finkes grave in the Heidefriedhof in Dresden

Finke was a member of the SED from 1946 until his death . He died in Dresden in 1968 and was buried in the local heathland cemetery. His signature adorns his gravestone. Finke's estate is kept by the German Academy of the Arts (Berlin) .


Stage works

  • The sunken bell . Opera in 4 acts (1915–1918, not performed). Libretto:? (after Gerhart Hauptmann )
  • The Jacob's ride . Opera in 3 acts (1932–1936). Libretto:? (based on the legendary game by Anton Dietzenschmidt ). Premiere October 17, 1936 in Prague
  • Lied der Zeit dance pantomime in 2 parts (1946/47). Premiere March 20, 1947 Bühlau
  • The quick-witted lover . Cheerful opera in 3 acts (1950–1954; only piano reduction completed). Libretto:? (after Karl Zuchardt )
  • The magic fish . Fairy tale ballad (opera) in 2 acts (1956–1959). Libretto: Wilhelm Hübner . Premiere 1978 Dresden

Vocal compositions

  • Cantatas
  • Choirs
  • Song I am a house . Text: Emil Merker (1888–?)

Instrumental works

  • eight orchestral suites
  • five string quartets
  • Works for piano and organ

Honors, memberships


See also

Web links

Commons : Fidelio F. Finke  - collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. a b Josefův Důl parish: Entry of Fidelis Friedrich Finke in the birth and baptismal register of the Josefův Důl parish . on (Czech)
  2. ^ Advertisement by his publisher N. Simrock Leipzig in: Musik im Kriege , 1st year 1943, p. 200: "New publication: The hymn to the liberation of Bohemia by Fidelio F. Finke: O Herzland Böhmen , hymn based on the poem by Herbert Hiebsch , Head of the NSDAP Cultural Office in Prague. Organ, mass choir, strong wind orchestra. In the organ introduction, the composer expresses the German idea as it was always noticeable in Bohemia from the mystical darkness of prehistory to the heyday of the German Empire. In the 1st stanza this German thought comes to consciousness. In the 2nd stanza one experiences the world historical act of the Führer, the raising of the imperial flag on the Prague Castle; the 3rd stanza is proud, exuberant joy and an eternal vow of loyalty. "
  3. Thorsten Fuchs:  Finke, Fidelio F .. In: Ludwig Finscher (Hrsg.): The music in past and present . Second edition, personal section, volume 6 (Eames - Franco). Bärenreiter / Metzler, Kassel et al. 2001, ISBN 3-7618-1116-0 , Sp. 1193–1197, here: Sp. 1194 ( online edition , subscription required for full access)