Filialkirche Flattnitz

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Filial church of St. John the Baptist, view from the south
On the right the church with the hospice side from the west, on the left the inn

The branch church Flattnitz in the Carinthian scattered settlement Flattnitz is a branch of the Roman Catholic parish Glödnitz and dates mainly from the 14th century. It is dedicated to St. John the Baptist .


The church was consecrated in 1173 by Bishop Heinrich von Gurk . Even then, the Flattnitz was a summer residence of the bishops of Gurk. Since the church is a rotunda, it was assumed that it could originally have been a baptistery. In later times the church may have had parish rights. Evidence for this are the sacristy niche, the cemetery mentioned in 1585 and also the mention of Flattnitz as a parish with Glödnitz as a branch in 1585. The church was rebuilt around 1330, when the main choir and apses were likely to have been built. The church has been covered with stone slabs since 1955.

A former custom is the bacon offering at Oswald. The needy took the bacon placed on a table for this purpose with the words: Oswaldi doesn't like the bacon, I do. The following were venerated here as relics: Milk of St. Mary, blood of St. Stefan, gold of the three kings and relics of the 11,000 virgins . The church was also a destination for pilgrims, according to popular belief that the enemy, the Turks, would come if the pilgrimages came to a standstill.


The complex dates from the first half of the 14th century, but has an older wall core. The church is a round building with a one- bay main choir with a 5/8 end . To the side of it there are two small, polygonal side apses . To the north of the main choir, there is a compact, massive tower that is covered with a curly pyramid helmet. There is a wooden roof turret above the rotunda . All roofs are covered with stone slabs. The main choir is supported by stepped buttresses and a half-height strut on the south side of the rotunda. The main portal is located on the north side of the rotunda and is protected by a porch. On the south side there is a smaller side portal with a pointed arch.

To the west is a rectangular building that was previously used as a hospice . The entrances are located on its north side: A pointed arched door leads to the ground floor, and the upper floor is reached via a covered external staircase.

In the main choir there are high, ogival windows, another one above the southern side portal. The tower has slots in the wall and arched windows.

The choir is spanned by groin vaults. On the north side there is the brick sacraments niche and the door to the sacristy with a historical Gothic castle . The sacristy itself is in the basement of the tower.

The main room of the church is closed with a hemispherical dome, which emerges directly from the wall zone. The openings in the two two-storey side apses are pointed arches. The apses are dedicated to St. Andrew and Oswald. The lower floor is a groin-vaulted chapel room, the upper one an equally vaulted gallery. Both rooms have a small ogival window. A corridor leads from the northern gallery to the bell storey of the tower; the southern gallery has no access. On the west side there is a walled-in doorway and a wooden gallery, which is painted with neo-Gothic tendrils.

Wall fresco, a Sacra Conversazione, in the choir
Part of the ceiling painting depicting the baptism of Jesus by John


August Veiter painted the main room and choir in the neo-Nazarene style at the beginning of the 20th century . In the choir these are tendrils and a Sacra Conversazione , the Mother of God with Saints John the Baptist , Johannes Evangelist , Oswald and Ludwig . They are designated A. Veiter 1910 . The dome of the main room shows four scenes from the legend of St. John (created 1907–1909). Siegfried Hartwagner attributes only poor quality to them.


High altar

The high altar dates from the second quarter of the 17th century. It is set in gold and black. Similar to Gothic altars, side wings with pictures are attached to the fluted columns. In the middle shrine there is a late Gothic figure of St. John, who carries the lamb on a book and points to the lamb with her right hand. The figure is flanked by Saints Simon and Jude Thaddeus. The top picture shows John the Evangelist. The picture in the antependium shows John the Evangelist reading a book, the lamb with the staff of the cross at his feet.

A carved St. John's bowl with the severed head of the saint is also late Gothic.

The side bolsters of the bench were built around 1720.

The pulpit dates from the second quarter of the 17th century, is made of wood and unframed or dark. It is polygonal and has a staircase on the right-hand side. The base of the pulpit is square the size of the pulpit, on it rests a rectangular pillar, the corners of which stand on the sides of the base square. The basket has parapets framed with a pearl frieze. The lowest zone shows a diamond cut ornament, the fields above have a rectangular frame shape, framed by scale templates and diamond cut applications. The narrow middle part has elongated rectangular fields with side bulges. Above there are fields with varied ear frame fields, limited by scale templates. A narrow field similar to the middle field forms the upper end. A back wall is not designed, a sound cover is missing.


  • Dehio Handbook Carinthia . 2nd edition, Anton Schroll, Vienna 1981. ISBN 3-7031-0522-4 , pp. 118f. (Description)
  • Siegfried Hartwagner: Austrian Art Monograph Volume VIII: Carinthia. The St. Veit an der Glan district . Verlag St. Peter, Salzburg 1977, ISBN 3-900173-22-2 , p. 46f. (Description, history)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Siegfried Hartwagner: Austrian Art Monograph Volume VIII: Carinthia. The St. Veit an der Glan district . Verlag St. Peter, Salzburg 1977, ISBN 3-900173-22-2 , p. 46f. (Description, history)
  2. ^ Barbara Kienzl : The baroque pulpits in Carinthia . Verlag des Kärntner Landesarchiv, Klagenfurt 1986, ISBN 3-900531-16-1 , p. 277.

Web links

Commons : Filialkirche Flattnitz  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 46 ° 56 '31.7 "  N , 14 ° 1' 53.8"  E