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Florental is a red wine variety bred by the French breeders Joanny and Rémy Bourdin at the beginning of the 20th century . It is a cross between Seibel 8365 and the Gamay grape variety . It is an extremely complex breed in which genes from the wild grapes Vitis labrusca , Vitis rupestris , Vitis aestivalis , and Vitis vinifera are present. From 1925 Joanny and his son Rémy bred a number of interspecific grape varieties in the fight against phylloxera . However, Florental was the only variety in her breeding line that was included in the French list of varieties .

Due to its early ripeness, the grape variety is found in growing areas with a cool climate. In France it was common in the cool regions of Burgundy , the Loire and Savoie .

Synonym: the breeding line number Burdin 7705.

Parentage: Seibel 8365 x Gamay . Seibel 8365 is itself a cross between the grape varieties Seibel 5410 and Seibel 4643 (also called Roi des Noirs ).

Ampelographic varietal characteristics

In ampelography , the habitus is described as follows:

  • The shoot tip is open. It is hairy like a cobweb, the tips are greenish with a slight carmine tinge. The young leaves are also only hairy cobwebs and spotted bronze (anthocyanin spots).
  • The medium-sized leaves (see also the article leaf shape ) are five-lobed and moderately curved. The stem bay is open in a U-shape. The sheet is serrated to a point. The teeth are set closely in comparison to the grape varieties.
  • The cylindrical to cone-shaped grapes are medium-sized, shouldered and with dense berries. The round berries are medium-sized and purple-black in color.

The early growing grape variety ripens about 6 days after the Gutedel and is therefore very early ripening within the red grape varieties so that it can ripen in cool locations. The variety is sensitive to gray mold rot . In addition, the variety is not very vigorous.

See also the article Viticulture in France and the list of grape varieties .

Web links


  • Pierre Galet : Cépages et vignobles de France, Tome 1 - les vignes américaines . 2nd Edition. 1988, ISBN 2-902771-03-7 .
  • Pierre Galet: Dictionnaire encyclopédique des cépages . 1st edition. Hachette Livre, 2000, ISBN 2-01-236331-8 .