Florian Deuter

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Florian Deuter (* 1965 in Mülheim an der Ruhr ) is a German violinist and conductor in the field of historical performance practice .

Live and act

Florian Deuter completed violin studies in Cologne and Düsseldorf. In Portugal he was a member of the Ensemble Baroque de Mateus founded and directed by Marie Leonhardt . Deuter had been a member of the Musica Antiqua Cologne under Reinhard Goebel since 1986 , six years of which as primary violinist and concert master. With this ensemble numerous recordings were made for the archive production of the Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft. He also performed concert master and solo roles with the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra under Ton Koopman , the Gabrieli Consort under Paul McCreesh , the Chapelle Royale and the Collegium Vocale Gent under Philippe Herreweghe . From 2000 to 2004 Florian Deuter was concert master of the Musiciens du Louvre under Marc Minkowski . Together with colleagues from this orchestra, he founded the Ensemble Harmonie Universelle in 2003 , whose musicians have dedicated themselves to the music of the 17th and 18th centuries. Florian Deuter also frequently performed and continues to be concertmaster for well-known ensembles, including the Concerto Köln .

Discography (selection)

With his Ensemble Harmonie Universelle he has recorded works by Georg Philipp Telemann , Johann Friedrich Fasch , Johann Pachelbel , Jean-Marie Leclair , Antonio Vivaldi , Arcangelo Corelli , sonatas by Johann Sebastian Bach and cantatas by Giovanni Battista Ferrandini , and a CD was also made German chamber music of the 17th century from the score book Ludwig . In 2018 a CD was released with first recordings of orchestral works and three cantatas by Christoph Graupner with the soprano Dorothee Mields .

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