Florian Griespek from Griespach

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Florian Griespek

Florian Griespek von Griespach (Czech Florián Gryspek , Florián Gryspek z Gryspachu , Florián Griespek z Griespachu ; * December 18, 1509 in Innsbruck ; † March 29, 1588 in Nelahozeves ) was a Bohemian nobleman of Bavarian-Austrian descent, and a high royal official Family of the Griespek von Griespach .

After studying at the universities of Bologna and Paris , he entered the service of King Ferdinand I in 1530 , who valued him very much for his education and devotion as secretary of the Bohemian Chamber . In 1535, because of his knowledge of the Italian language, he was commissioned to supervise the construction of Queen Anna's summer residence in the castle garden . In 1538 he became a royal councilor, and in 1540 a miserable procurator .

Because Griespek sided with the king, he was briefly imprisoned at Prague Castle by representatives of the estates during the anti-Habsburg uprisings in 1547 . He gradually acquired extensive land holdings, including the Kaceřov , Nelahozeves and Rožmitál domains , on which he carried out extensive construction and business activities, including the Renaissance renovations at the castles in Nelahozeves and Kaceřov .

Griespek owned a Renaissance palace (Gryspekovský dům) on the Hradschin , which became the Archbishop's Palace after 1562 .

Florian Griespek had fourteen sons and ten daughters, including Blasius (Blažej) . His property was divided among the seven sons who survived their father. Florian is lying with his wife Rosina, geb. Helzl von Sillian , buried in the church of St. Peter and Paul in Kralovice .


  • Gryspekové a předbělohorská šlechta, Kralovice a poddanská města: Sborník příspěvků ze semináře konaného v Mariánské Týnici ve dnech 21.-23. května 1997 / Výkonný red. Jiří Fák. - Plzeň: Muzeum a galerie severního Plzeňska, 1997. - 114 pp.
  • Roma Baroness von Grießenbeck: Florian Griespek von Griespach in the past and present . Battenberg, Regenstauf 2014

Web links

Commons : Florián Gryspek  - collection of images, videos and audio files