François-Camille Duranti-Lironcourt

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François-Camille Duranti de Lironcourt (born October 9, 1733 in Paris , † July 15, 1802 in England ) was a French clergyman. He was the last bishop of Clamecy .


François-Camille Duranti de Lironcourt was a son of the diplomat Jacques-Antoine Durand de Lironcourt (1705–1755) and the older brother of the shipbuilding engineer Gustave-Adolphe Duranti de Lironcourt (* 1743)

He was an honorary canon and vicar general of the Diocese of Laon and since April 4, 1773 Commendatar Abbot of Sainte Madeleine de Châteaudun in the Diocese of Chartres , as well as almsman (confessor) of Princess Sophie of France (daughter of King Louis XV ).

Presented as Bishop of Bethlehem by the Duke of Nevers in August 1777 and endowed by the King with La Rivour Abbey in the Diocese of Troyes instead of Châteaudun Abbey (January 25, 1778), he received episcopal ordination on April 26, 1778. April took the oath of allegiance to the king. He had his bishop's church in Clamecy taken over by a deputy.

After the revolutionary government had abolished his diocese and added it to the diocese of Nevers , he emigrated to England in 1792. He refused the resignation called for by the 1801 Concordat between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII . He died soon after.


  • Honoré Jean Pierre Fisquet: La France pontificale (Gallia Christiana). Histoire chronologique et biographique des Archevêques & Évêques de tous les Diocèses de France, depuis l'établissement du Christianisme jusqu'à nos jours, divisée en 18 provinces ecclésiastiques. Repos, Paris 1864–1871.
  • Armand Jean: Les Évêques et les archevêques de France depuis 1682 jusqu'à 1801. Picard, Paris 1891.
  • Louis Chevalier Lagenissière: Histoire de l'évêché de Bethléem. Dumoulin, Paris 1872

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  1. His memoirs were edited by Jean-François Michel in 1996: La vie de monsieur de Lironcourt  : écrite par lui-même / Langres: D. Guéniot, 1996.
  2. Gustave-Adolphe Duranti de Lironcourt is the author of the text Instruction élémentaire et raisonnée sur la construction pratique des vaisseaux. Musier: Paris, 1771.