François Bocion

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Photograph by François Bocion, around 1870

François-Louis David Bocion (born March 30, 1828 in Lausanne , † December 13, 1890 ibid) was a Swiss painter in the style of Impressionism . Bocion achieved international fame as the “painter of Lake Geneva”.


François Bocion came from a wealthy family in Lausanne. At an early age he received drawing lessons from the painter Christian Gottlieb Steinlen at the École de Moyenne in Vevey, then from the French landscape painter François Bonnet in Lausanne. In 1845 he traveled to Paris , where he worked in the studios of Louis-Aimé Grosclaude and Charles Gleyre until 1847 . In the beginning he mainly painted history pictures, but soon he switched to sea painting. Around 1849 he took a position as a drawing teacher at the École de Moyenne in Lausanne. Among his students were Théophile Steinlen and Eugène Grasset , among others .

Works (selection)


Web links

Commons : François Bocion  - collection of images, videos and audio files