Francesco Mauro

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Francesco Mauro (born March 3, 1887 in Domodossola , † January 13, 1952 in Milan ) was an Italian engineer , entrepreneur, member of parliament and sports official .


He played soccer while studying in Milan, but his younger brother Giovanni Mauro was the better player. Mauro was involved as a mountaineer in the Club Alpino Italiano . After graduating as an electrical engineer from the Milan Polytechnic , where he later also worked as a lecturer, he dealt with the electrification of northern Italy. He did fundamental work on the storage and cooling of fruit and agricultural products, on the electrification of mountain railways and improved work organization through electrically operated assembly lines .

In order to get appropriate publicly financed contracts, he got involved in politics and sport. He was elected to the technical commission of the Football Association of Lombardy and became the sports manager of Inter Milan . After the outbreak of the First World War , he became acting chairman of the regional association and then of the Italian Football Association (FIGC). From 1921 to 1923 he chaired the Olympic Committee of Italy and was President of Inter Milan from 1920 to 1923, and from 1921 to 1924 Member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies . As a conservative entrepreneur, he was close to the fascists without getting involved in their Partito Nazionale Fascista (PNF) party , so that he left after a legislative period and became involved in the employers' association. This was integrated into the work organization Opera Nazionale Dopolavoro . He also chaired the international business association of the International Labor Organization (ILO). He traveled to the USA to learn from the Taylorism work organization there .

On the 50th anniversary of FIGC in 1948, he was awarded the title of Pioneer of Italian Football .

Individual evidence

  1. Cinquant'anni di vita della sezione di Milano: 1873-1923 / Club alpino italiano; scritti di F. Mauro .., Milano: Bertieri e Vanzetti, 1923
  2. ^ Giuliana Gemelli: Alle origini dell'ingegneria gestionale in Italia. Francesco Mauro e il Politecnico di Milano: dal taylorismo ai sistemi compless, pp. 48–83. In: Benito Brunelli & Giuliana Gemelli (eds.): All'origine dell'ingegneria gestionale in Italia Materiali per un cantiere di ricerca. Bologna 1998. .
  3. Impianti frigoriferi rurali per la conservazione della frutta; Gli isolamenti degli impianti frigoriferi e le applicazioni alle strutture in cemento armato; Origini e finalità della stazione sperimentale del freddo in Milan; Norms per la prova ed il controllo dei termometri; Numero, potentialità e distribuzione degli impianti frigoriferi nel regno d'Italia e sue colonie per l'anno 1922; Grandi frigoriferi italiani / Francesco Mauro. Pavia tipografia succ. Fusi, 1920-1923
  4. L'automatismo nell'elettrotrazione e l'elettrificazione della Ferrovia Porto San Giorgio-Fermo-Amandola / Francesco Mauro, Felice Fiorentini Milano: Bertieri, 1928
  5. ^ Arnd Krüger : Sport in Fascist Italy (1922-1933) . In: G. Spitzer, D. Schmidt (Ed.): Port between independence and external determination. Festschrift for Prof. Dr. Hajo Bernett . P. Wegener, Bonn 1986, pp. 213-226.
  7. Thomas Cayet: The ILO and the iMi: A Strategy of Influence on the Edges of the League of Nations, 1925-1934 . In: J. Van Daele (Ed.): ILO histories: essays on the International Labor Organization and its impact on the world during the twentieth century . ISBN 978-3-0343-0516-7 , p. 256