Francisco Armero Peñaranda

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Francisco Armero Peñaranda

Francisco Armero y Peñaranda , Margrave (Marqués) de Nervión (born May 3, 1804 in Fuentes de Andalucia , Province of Seville , † July 2, 1866 in Seville ) was a Spanish lieutenant general , politician and Prime Minister of Spain ( Presidente del Gobierno ) .


After finishing school, he entered the military ( Guardia Marina ) as a midshipman in 1820 . In 1828 he was promoted to lieutenant ( Alférez ). As a frigate captain he later took part in the First Carlist War, where he distinguished himself for his bravery, especially during the siege of Bilbao in June 1835.

On September 22, 1837 he was elected for the first time as a member of parliament ( Congreso de los Diputados ), where he initially represented the interests of the constituency of Seville for a legislative period. 1840 then carried his promotion to brigadier general ( Brigadier ) and commander of the naval forces in Catalonia .


Armero was then appointed to Antonio González González's cabinet on July 20, 1840, as Minister of Navy, Trade and Colonies ( Ministro de Marina, Comercio y Gobernación de Ultramar ) . He also held this office in the subsequent cabinets of Valentín Ferraz and Modesto Cortázar until September 11, 1840.

In August 1843 he was appointed Commander of the Naval Forces in Cartagena . In the elections of September 15, 1843 he was then re-elected as a representative of the constituency of Seville as a member of parliament, this time he was a member until December 6, 1846. On February 22, 1844 he was promoted to lieutenant general ( Teniente General ) of the armed forces by Prime Minister Luis González Bravo .

On May 3, 1844, he was reappointed Minister of Navy, Trade and Colonies and was a member of Ramón María Narváez's cabinet until February 12, 1846. During this time, in September 1844, the Naval Military School ( Colegio Naval Militar ) was founded. He then took over the management of the Navy, Trade and Colonial Ministry again from April 5, 1846 to January 28, 1847 in the cabinet of Francesco Xavier de Isturiz . During this time he was acting Minister of War for a short time in April 1846 ( Ministro de Guerra ).

For his political merits he was appointed Senator for life ( Senador Vitalicio ) on August 15, 1845 . In 1847 he was appointed captain general ( Capitán General ) of Madrid . In 1849 he was appointed site commander of Havana .

On June 2, 1851, he was then Minister of the Navy in the cabinet of Juan Bravo Murillo and was as such until May 3, 1852 in office.

Prime Minister and last years of life

Finally, on October 15, 1857, he himself was appointed Prime Minister of Spain ( Presidente del Gobierno ) . In his cabinet, which was in office until January 14, 1858, he also took over the office of Minister of War and, for a time, in October 1857, the office of Minister of the Interior ( Ministro de Gobernación ). Successor as Prime Minister was Francesco Xavier de Isturiz. In 1858 he was appointed General Director of the Navy ( Armada ) by Prime Minister Leopoldo O'Donnell .

Because of his political merits, he was raised to the nobility on February 22, 1862 as Margrave ( Marqués ) de Nervión. Most recently he was reappointed Minister of the Navy on September 16, 1864 and was a member of the sixth Narváez government until June 21, 1865. Subsequently, as captain general, he was commander in chief of the navy.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. List of Members of Parliament from 1810 to 1977
  2. List of Ministers for Navy, Trade and Colonies ( Memento of April 1, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  4. ^ The Senate between 1834 and 1923 - Senators , accessed June 7, 2017.
  5. List of Ministers of the Navy ( Memento of April 1, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
predecessor Office successor
Ramón María Narváez Prime Minister of Spain
1857 - 1858
Francesco Xavier de Isturiz