Franco Cosimo Panini

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Franco Cosimo Panini (born October 8, 1931 in Pozza di Maranello , † March 30, 2007 in Modena ) was an Italian entrepreneur and publisher who became known worldwide through the invention of the Panini collection pictures.

In 1961 , the first collection series with the Panini collection pictures for the Italian first division was published in Italy . He developed this together with his brothers Giuseppe (†), Umberto († 2013) and Benito (†). In 1970 the first Panini album for a soccer world championship was released and in 1974 the first Panini album was also released in Germany for the soccer world championship.

The worldwide success meant that, in addition to soccer, other areas were opened up for the collector's pictures. In addition to other sports, comics and music were also added.

Panini worked as a publisher and wrote a. a. an encyclopedia about the Panini collecting pictures. At the time of his death, he was Italy's fourth largest comic publisher and also published books for children and young people. He built up the Panini Group with around 580 employees worldwide, which is based in Modena , Italy and has a turnover of 400 million euros .

He died of cancer at the age of 76.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary for Franco Cosimo Panini in n-tv