František Žákavec

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František Žákavec

František Žákavec (born February 23, 1878 in Kdyně , † December 25, 1937 in Prague ) was a Czech art historian .


František Žákavec studied Romance studies at the Philosophical Faculty of Charles University in Prague from 1896 to 1899 and from 1899 to 1900 as a scholarship holder at the Sorbonne in Paris. There his interest in visual arts deepened. He completed his studies in Prague. After graduating, he started working as a teacher in various schools. From 1918 onwards he worked intensively on art history. He completed his habilitation at the Comenius University in Bratislava , where he taught as a professor of art history from 1924.

From 1933 he was a corresponding and from 1934 extraordinary member of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Arts .

Publications (selection)

  • Knížka o Alšovi. Výbor 50 obrazů. S podobiznou od M. Švabinského a 17 obrázky v textu. Nákladem dědictví komenského, Prague 1912 ( , a book about Mikoláš Aleš ).
  • Chrám znovuzrození: o budovatelích a budově Národního divadla v Praze. J. Štenc, Parg 1918 (on the builders and construction of the National Theater in Prague).
  • O Bellmannových "memories" ao Nerudovi . In: Listy filologické / Folia philologica . tape 45 , no. 6 , 1918, ISSN  0024-4457 , p. 349-359 , JSTOR : 23445324 (Czech).
  • L'oeuvre de Joseph Mánes. Jan Štenc, Prague 1923 (about the painter Josef Mánes ).


  • Lubomír Slavíček (ed.): Slovník historiků umění, výtvarných kritiků, teoretiků a publicistů v českých zemích a jejich spolupracovníků z příbuzných oborů (asi 1800–2008) . Academia, Prague 2016, ISBN 978-80-200-2094-9 , Volume 2, pp. 1732-1733.

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