Franz Heritsch

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Franz Heritsch (born December 26, 1882 in Graz , † April 17, 1945 there ) was an Austrian geologist and paleontologist .

Heritsch studied at the University of Graz , where he received his PhD in 1906. phil. received his doctorate and qualified as a professor there in 1909. Heritsch initially worked as a high school teacher. From 1921 he taught geology and palaeontology at the University of Graz, initially as an associate professor and from 1924 to 1945 as a full professor.

Heritsch was a full member of the Academy of Sciences in Vienna and a member of the Leopoldina .

He was the father of the mineralogist Haymo Heritsch .

Publications (selection)

  • Investigations into the geology of the Paleozoic of Graz. I. The fauna and stratigraphy of the strata with Heliolites Barrandei. In: Memoranda of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Mathematical and natural science class. 92, 1915, pp. 551-614.
  • Investigations into the geology of the Paleozoic of Graz. II. The geological position of the layers with Heliolites Barrandei in the vicinity of Graz (with the committee of the Hochlantsch area). In: Memoranda of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Mathematical and natural science class. 94, 1917, pp. 53-112.
  • Investigations into the geology of the Paleozoic of Graz. III. That of the Hochlantschgruppe. IV. The lower stages of the Paleozoic of Graz. In: Memoranda of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Mathematical and natural science class. 1917, pp. 313-374.
  • Faunas from the Silurian Mountains of the Eastern Alps. In: Treatises of the Federal Geological Institute. 23, 1929, pp. 1-183.
  • Petrifications from the carbon of the Karawanken and Carnic Alps. In: Treatises of the Federal Geological Institute. 23, volume 3, Vienna 1931.
  • Geological guide through the Central Alps east of Katschberg and Radstädter Tauern. Geolog. Führer 32, Borntraeger 1926.

See also


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Member entry by Franz Heritsch at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on April 5, 2015.