Franz Ignaz Wedekind

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Franz Ignaz Wedekind (* 1710 in Gieboldehausen ; † February 12, 1782 in Heidelberg ) was a German law scholar and university professor .


Wedekind was trained at the Jesuit College in Heiligenstadt . There he received his master's degree in philosophy . He completed his law studies on April 21, 1731 at the University of Heidelberg . On September 6, 1734 he was promoted to Dr. iur. utr. PhD .

Wedekind was appointed professor of the Pandects at the newly founded University of Fulda in 1734 . On April 5, 1742, he returned to the law faculty of Heidelberg University as the fourth professor of law . In 1749 he was rector of the university. He gradually rose to the faculty and finally became the faculty's first professor on November 28, 1770. Between 1742 and 1780 he was dean of the faculty eight times , and from 1770 to 1782 he was procurator of the university.

Wedekind was appointed court judge at the Mannheim court in 1742 . In 1770 he was also appointed privy councilor.

The legal scholar Georg Joseph Wedekind was his son.

Works (selection)

  • De immunitate legatorum ad pias causas a lege falcidia , Fulda 1740.
  • Dissertatio inauguralis historico-juridica, qua vicariorum Imperii Romano-Germanici originem ex archi-officiis progressum Palatini, ex actis Imperii publ. usque ad amicabilem compositionem: iure utriusque ex aurea Bulla aliisque Imperii legibus, et capitulationibus Imperatorum novissimis sistunt , Haener, Heidelberg 1750.
  • De eo, quod iustum est ex instrumento pacis Westphalicae circa introductionem religionis in Imperio RG toleratae in territoriis, in quibus anno decretorio non viguit , Mannheim 1756.
  • Dissertatio Inauguralis De Nobilitate , Mannheim 1762.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. He was baptized on April 21, 1710 in Gieboldehausen (Drüll: Heidelberger Gelehrtenlexikon. 1991, p. 165).